OASIS Open Document Format for Office Applications (OpenDocument) TC

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OpenDocuemnt TC Coordination Call Minutes 2007-01-15

  • 1.  OpenDocuemnt TC Coordination Call Minutes 2007-01-15

    Posted 01-19-2007 15:48
    Yue Ma, IBM
    Helen Yue, IBM
    Robert Weir, IBM
    Patric Durusau
    David Faure, KDE
    Jody Goldberg, Novell
    Florian Reueter, Novell 
    Michael Brauer, Sun Microsystems
    Lars Oppermann, Sun Microsystems
    Oliver Wittmann, Sun Microsystems
    David A Wheeler, OpenDocument Foundation
    Gary Edwards, OpenDocument Foundation
    Minutes from Dec. 18th
    The attending TC members unanimously accepted the minutes from the last
    coordination call.
    No pending action items
    Michael: today is the 15th and the ODF 1.1 Ballot will open today.
    - uploaded draft version for 1.2 on Friday
    - adopted to ISO formatting rules
    - easier to make changes now, notes and examples are marked up according 
    to ISO rules and this is now handled by fields in the document
    - also did some consistency checks and improvements
    - didn't marl minor editorial changes explicitly as such
    - changes that might be regarded at non-trivial are maked up with yellow 
    background color
    - especially schema changes
    - everyone should review these changes, so that the markup can be 
    removed and we can than use the marks for new things that we introduce 
    with 1.2
    - maybe we can aim for approving that draft version in two weeks and use 
    that as a baseline
    - next step will be splitting the document into main and package part
    - will also get together with DavidW on adding formulas as the third part
    - I will also start to integrate the agreed upon  proposals
    Michael: For today we have a couple of proposals that we discussed 
    during past work calls but that have no formal approval yet.
    - I only got to update the wiki pages today which I will try to do 
    earlier in the coming weeks
    - so we only look into proposals that are out for some time today
    Protection keys (4.4.3...):
    - discussed before holiday break
    - open issue: inclusion of attribute value describing MS excel algorithm
    Michael: Jody, do you know whether there is a URL which can be used to 
    refer to that algorithm
    Jody: next meeting is in Febuary, we will discuss it there
    Michael: there is no rush, as we can allow any URL there
    Jody: we should have on in the standard anyway, otherwise implementors 
    wouldn't know what to put
    Rob: we corrently say SHA-1 is the default and it has been attacked 
    several times
    ... maybe we should use SHA-256 as the default
    Lars: a secure container even for this not secure feature, because the 
    user might use a password that is used for other more sensitive data. 
    Hence the possibility to break the protection key password would open 
    other vectors of attack on the user's other data
    Michael: the schema default does not have an impact on the application 
    Patrick: is there any good reason for the schema default different from 
    the proposed application default
    Michael: this is the fall back to use when the algorithm is not 
    specified in the digest attribute. So we would want to keep the default 
    for backwards compatibility
    DavidW: the attribute should be mandatory in 1.2 (you can also tell 
    SHA256 from SHA1 by its length)
    - but it is probably most sensible to leave it optional for old 
    implementation but recommend to use SHA254 in the spec.
    pp/ff in index example (
    Michael: proposal is to change the text for combining and make clear, 
    that the combination of index entries (when the index is updated) is 
    application (language) dependent
    - no objection
    Numbered paragraphs and lists
    Michael: we had two proposal which Oliver proposed to merge by adding 
    Oliver: for numbered paragraphs, the current spec has nothing to say 
    about the numbering domain
    - with style override, application has the possibility to group ...
    - also fulfills David's requirement of defining different styles on the 
    same livel within a single list (e.g. 1., 2., C., D., 5...)
    - style override is a better match for Lists
    - addition is that by default all numbered paragraphs belong to one list
    Florian, I don't want to have two different list models in ODF, I don#t 
    think that the two ways of specifying lists (lists/num-para) are equal
    Oliver: the current spec is somewhat imprecise
    ... I think was is indented when you have five numbered paragraph is 
    that by default they belong to one list
    .. I will post a description of how you can convert between the two ways 
    of writing a list
    David: Florian should post an example of a list where there is a problem 
    with conversion between the two presentations
    David: all of the numbered paragraphs are not always part of the same 
    counter-domain. If you use a heading on a certain level, it sets up the 
    counter domain for numbered paragraphs in that section...
    Next call: TC Work call, 2007-01-22, 7am PT (3pm GMT).