MHonArc v2.5.0b2 -->
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Subject: Proposal: table row attribute: keep together
Hi all,
I'd like to propose the following (non-)feature for the file format: Add
a flag that allows table lines to be broken across pages.
Currently, there's two different behaviours with respect to text flow of
tables across pages. Some applications break table rows at page
boundaries, others (like OOo) don't. We want to allow either in OOo, so
I would like to add a corresponding attribute to the table row.
Here's some ASCII-art illustration: Suppose you have a table like this:
|big |bbbbb|ccccc|
|cell | | |
If the page ends right in the middle of the second table row, then most
layouters would break the cells (left), while OOo would move it to the
next page (right). I believe both are legitimate, hence the new flag:
style:keep-together="false" (left), style:keep-together="true" (right).
+-----+-----+-----+ +-----+-----+-----+
|aaaaa|bbbbb|ccccc| |aaaaa|bbbbb|ccccc|
+-----+-----+-----+ +-----+-----+-----+
|big |bbbbb|ccccc|
------------------------- -------------------------
|cell | | | +-----+-----+-----+
+-----+-----+-----+ |big |bbbbb|ccccc|
|aaaaa|bbbbb|ccccc| |cell | | |
+-----+-----+-----+ +-----+-----+-----+
<define name="style-table-row-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
<attribute name="style:keep-together">
<ref name="boolean"/>
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