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OpenDocument TC coordination call minutes 2007-07-23

  • 1.  OpenDocument TC coordination call minutes 2007-07-23

    Posted 07-31-2007 15:50
    Yue Ma, IBM
    Helen Yue, IBM
    Patrick Durusau
    Michael Brauer, Sun Microsystems
    Lars Oppermann, Sun Microsystems
    Eike Rathke, Sun Microsystems
    Oliver-Reiner Wittmann, Sun Microsystems
    Florian Reuter, Novell (joined 14:45GMT)
     From A11Y SC:
    Stephen Noble, Design Science,
    Chieko Asakawa, IBM
    Hironobu Takagi, IBM
    David Pawson, Royal National Institute for the Blind*
    Peter Korn, Sun Microsystems
    * Minutes from last coordination call
    no objections
    * Action Items
    none pending
    * Discussion
    A11Y guideline document
    set of guidelines
    what to do what not to do
    aspects of 1.1 spec that are important from A11Y point of view
    success or failure of A11Y is up to applications
    main audience are implementors of spec
    attempted to follow tc format for documents
    interest in the document becoming part of the specification
    question to TC -> did we do everything correctly for that
    everything seems correct
    how to bundle with 1.1
    suggest to approve doc as TC deliverable next to 1.1 spec
    peter: important that everyone implementing the 1.1 spec finds the
    document easily
    Michael: linking to it from TC pages as well as OO.org
    PeterK: all the authors of the specific section s are here and can answer
    specific questions about the content
    Patrick: even though doc is specific 1.1., it would be applicable to
    subsequent revisions. So the advice would carry through to further revisions
    Peter: absolutly. We could also do an updated version for the 1.2
    document bundle
    Patrick: that's what I was getting it
    maybe some things need top be adapted
    but in principle this should work
    PeterK: absolutely
    DavidP: could it become an appendix to the main document, I mean in terms
    of size
    Patrick: size is not such a problem. ISO standards don't include
    implementation advice. A technical report can.
    It is possible to have an annex (as we call it in ISO)
    A technical report on its own may however make more sense and be even
    more visible
    Status of a TR would be independent of main specification
    David P.: my personal preference would be to have it as a part of 1.2
    Peter: are there any other views as to what is the most
    visible/appropriate way to publish this document.
    Michael: for 1.1 we should accept it as a formal TC deliverable
    when we standardize 1.2 we should add the document to the submitted
    PeterK: I think, A11Y guidelines will become more important for
    standards bodies. Thus having it as an appendix would be very good
    Normative/non-normative annexes
    profiles standardized by oasis (w & w/o A11Y)
    PeterK: profile sounds like an interesting idea w/ regards to US sec.
    508. relating to content. a) content, b) content authoring tools
    DaveP: from an informative annex it wouldn't be too difficult to derive
    a normative section/annex that describes the human interface to an ODF
    conformance profiles
    important future topic
    for 1.1, vote on document and then publish it on TC page
    for 1.2, update the document with regards to changes in 1.2 and then
    either use it as an appendix or as a supplemental document
    Lars: A11Y guidelines should be part of the material that is considered
    in public review
    - format correct
    - information useful
    - desire is to place document on TC main web-page
    Action: Michael to check to put it on oasis specification list page
    - submit the document with 1.2
    ... not yet clear whether annex, part or TR
    - for 1.3 we may consider profiles, esp. A11Y profiles
    Peter: send editorial comments to me
    Action: Michael: find out how to find out the URL under which a document
    will appear.
    Florian: what about subtables
    A11Y SC is looking for better examples for subtables
    Florian: define next-master-page-style in a master-page - might be an
    A11Y issue
    Peter: please send to A11Y TC
    Sun Microsystems                Lars Oppermann