Submitter's message Greetings!
Part 4 with the changes listed.
Hope everyone is having a great week!
Patrick -- Patrick Durusau Document Name : OpenDocument-v1.3-csprd02-part4-formula Description Part 4 with the following changes:
The text 'Criterion', second line after ' Procedure F' needs to be style 'Heading 3'. ### Done.
Some formulas have yellow background, but they should have no color: ### reset transparency to 100% Not sure why colored background in any event.
6.5.1 General, 6.5.4 MMULT, 6.5.6 TRANSPOSE,
In AMORLINC: 'When period = 0' should be 'When Period = 0' with 'Period' having character style 'Parameter Name'. There seem to be two superfluous line breaks around 'the depreciation = Cost - Salvage - accumulated-depreciation'. In DB: 'where Period â LIfeTime' There is a typo in LIfeTime and it needs the character style 'Parameter Name'. ### Done
In GAMMADIST: The formulas have an erroneous '%'. ### Done
2.3 Evaluators -> 2.3 Evaluator Conformance Download Latest Revision Public Download Link Submitter : Patrick Durusau Group : OASIS Open Document Format for Office Applications (OpenDocument) TC Folder : 1.3 Drafts Date submitted : 2019-10-28 15:41:51