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Re: [office] Accessibility SC Meeting Minutes from May 4, 2006

  • 1.  Re: [office] Accessibility SC Meeting Minutes from May 4, 2006

    Posted 05-08-2006 06:15
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    Subject: Re: [office] Accessibility SC Meeting Minutes from May 4, 2006

    Tables: No spec for tables in impress needed, when they are stored as
    calc table OLE objects.
    - Backward compatible
    - UI should be like for non-OLE object: No activation needed, A11y
    information available in tree.
    Nathaniel S Borenstein wrote:
    > OASIS ODF Accessibility SC Minutes from Thursday May 4, 2006 Meeting
    > by Nathaniel Borenstein and Peter Korn
    > [Please send any corrections or additions to Nathaniel.]
    > Attending:  Nathaniel Borenstein (chair), Chieko Asakawa, Pete Brunet,
    > David Clark, Peter Korn, Steve Nobel, Janina Sajka, Rich
    > Schwerdtfeger, Hironobu Takagi, Malte Timmermann
    > Apologies:  Dave Pawson
    > I.  The minutes of the April 27 meeting were approved as corrected and
    > submitted.
    > II.  Tables in presentations:  Peter summarized his e-mail about
    > Tables.  Discussion centered on implementation issues; no action items
    > III.  Rich's ALT text proposal.  Discussed reference to transcoding
    > for import/export for Microsoft, decided to draw this to the attention
    > of the TC and let them decide whether to leave it in.  We still need
    > an implementer's guide.  We appear on track for inclusion in ODF 1.1,
    > proposed draft available in July for OASIS resolution by November.
    >  Action item:  Nathaniel to add schema description, send to parent TC.
    > IV.  Announcement:  ODF 1.0 is now an ISO standard (a11y warts and
    > all).  So now folks like the EU can specify an ISO standard for office
    > documents. Vote was unanimous [save abstentions], and more countries
    > voted than expected.  No action items.
    > V.  Janina conveyed two bits of news from ITD: they published an RFI
    > looking for submissions from companies, whatever about creating a
    > plug-in module for MS-Office to read/save ODF.  They've also come up
    > with Accessibility Czar - Joe Lazzaro is moving over to ITD from the
    > Mass Commission to run that.  No action items.
    > VI.  Discussion of Chieko's proposal for tabindexing to improve
    > keyboard navigation tabled until upcoming face-to-face meeting.
    >  Action item:  Chieko to prepare tabindexing proposal prior to F2F
    > meeting.
    > VI.  Role attribute review:  Rich will take this to the FSG.  No
    > action items.
    > VII.  Agenda for upcoming (May 20-21) face-to-face meeting:
    >         -- Table proposal review
    >         -- Tabindexing for keyboard navigation
    >         -- Daisy requirements discussion
    >         -- 1.1 Scope cutoff decision
    >         -- Future extensions for presentations
    >         -- Other topics for ODF 1.2
    >         Action item:  Rich to compile 5/20-21 F2F agenda.
    > VIII.  Deferred for some future meeting(s):
    >         -- Soft/hard page break issue from (Dave P)
    >         -- Nested list markup issue from Dave P
    >        -- Mediaobject proposal from Dave P
    > The next meeting will take place on May 11 unless we decide to cancel
    > it for lack of a quorum
    > Summary of action items:
    > -- Nathaniel to add schema description to alt text proposal, send to
    > parent TC.  (done)
    > -- Chieko to prepare tabindexing proposal prior to F2F meeting.
    > -- Rich to compile 5/20-21 F2F agenda.
    > [Please send any corrections or additions to Nathaniel.]

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