Hi Regina I'm aware of this. Somehow the properties of paragraphs were inexplicably changed when the CSDs were produced. I certainly see it as part of the task of producing a template for ODF 1.4 that we fix the properties of all the styles that we decide to keep. The insertion of blank paragraphs should, if possible, be avoided, but I seem to recall that Patrick and I had some trouble with change tracking in editing Part 4 that could only be resolved by some awkward manual manipulations. Kind regards, Francis On 02/07/2020 15:54, Regina Henschel wrote: Hi editors, the CS01 version has no space between paragraphs. That makes longer text parts hard to read and it results in descenders of text touching the gray reference rectangles. The ODF 1.2 spec has a space between paragraphs of 1.41mm, already set in its default paragraph style. Please set a space between paragraphs in CS02 too. Kind regards Regina --------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe from this mail list, you must leave the OASIS TC that generates this mail. Follow this link to all your TCs in OASIS at: