Dear TC members,
my action item is a proposal for gradients in the Open Office XML format.
First of all, I would like to start with a comparison between the
gradients in SVG and in the XML format, by going along
the SVG specification
This element is equivalent to <draw:gradient>/<draw:transparency> with
draw:style="linear|axial" in the (OOo) XML spec.
gradientUnits="userSpaceOnUse|objectBoundingBox": This attribute does
not exist in the OOo XML spec, but the behavior is like
gradientUnits="objectBoundingBox". This equals to the default value of SVG.
gradientTransform="<transform-list>" : This attribute does not exist in
the OOo XML spec. However, very simple transformations can be achieved
by the draw:angle attribute.
x1, x2, y1, y2="<coordinate>": These attributes are not supported by the
OOo XML spec. Instead of this, draw:style="linear|axial" and draw:angle
can be used to specify the gradient direction.
spreadMethod="pad|reflect|repeat" : This attribute is not supported by
the OOo XML spec, but the behavior is like spreadMethod = "pad", that is
also the SVG default.
xlink:href="<uri>" : This attribute is not supported by the OOo XML
spec. If inheritance of gradients would be supported, then most likely
by a style:parent-style-name attribute that is used for other kind of
styles already.
This element is equivalent to <draw:gradient>/<draw:transparency> with
gradientUnits, gradientTransform, spreadMethod, xlink:href: See
cx, cy="<coordinate>": equivalent to draw:cx and draw:cy
r="<length>: This attribute is not supported by the OOo XML spec. The
radius is calculated based on the target objects width and height, and
the gradient's center. The details need to be clarified. However, the
SVG specification also seems not to specify clearly how for instance
r="50%" is interpreted if applied to a real rectangle.
fx, fy="<coordinate>": These attributes are not supported, but the
behavior is like fx=cx and fy=cy. This equals to SVG's defaults.
This element is not supported, but the OOo XML gradient specification
equals a SVG gradient specification with exactly two stops.
offset="<number>|<percentage>": For the first stop, this attribute
equals the draw:border attribute. For the second stop, this attribute's
value is "100%".
stop-color: For the first stop, this attribute equals the
draw:start-color of <gradient>. For the second stop, this attribute
equals draw:end-color of <gradient>.
stop-opacity: For the first stop, this attribute is the opposite of the
draw:start transparency of <transparency>. For the second stop, this
attribute is the opposite of the draw:end transparency of <transparency>.
Missing Features
The following features exist in the XML specification,
but do not exist in SVG:
- OOo XML supports ellipsoid, square and rectangular gradients (it might
be that ellipsoid gradients can be archived in SVG by applying
- OOo XML supports an intensity for the start and end color values .
- OOo XML supports specifying a gradient and a transparency
simultaneously to one target object.
- All OOo XML gradients have a name. This name is required to be
referencable from a graphics style.
Based on this comparison, I would like to make the following proposals,
that are in fact more or less independent of each other:
a) Since the SVG gradient specification is more powerful than the OOo
XML gradient specification, the Open Office XML format supports SVG's
gradient definition in addition to the ones already existing. If a SVG
gradient definition is used within the Open Office XML format, it must
have a draw:name attribute attached. For simplicity, the gradientUnits
attribute will be ignored. Parent gradients are only evaluated, if they
are specified by an style:parent-style-name attribute (xlink:href might
be specified additionally for SVG compatibility). SVG gradients are only
evaluated if they are referenced by a draw:gradient attribute, but not
if they are referenced by a draw:opacity attribute. The result of
referencing a SVG gradient with draw:gradient and an opacity gradient
additionally (with draw:opacity) is unspecified.
b) The <draw:transparency> element will be renamed to <draw:opacity>,
draw:start and draw:end to draw:start-opacity and draw:end-opacity, and
their meaning will be reversed. The draw:transparency attribute that can
occur in <style:properties> will be renamed to <draw:opacity>.
c) Additional gradient definitions that are neither supported by OOo XML
nor by SVG might be added if they are supported by existing applications.
d) We get in contact with the SVG working group to check whether the
missing features (except the name that is office specific) can be added
to SVG and to coordinate future gradient extensions with SVG.
Best regards