Hi Dave,
nice links. Good to see that others having the same kind of problems :-)
I just wanted to inform everybody about the discussions which took place a while ago in the metadata SC.
I proposed to enhance fields by having a start-field and end-field for --- you guess --- OOXML interop :-) You can simply take Olivers proposal and replace annotations whith fields you have the proposal I made.
The SC convinced me that using -start/-end tags is not a good thing. I don't recall all the arguments but maybe the experts can just jump in and recall the arguments. I guess the most prominent ones where:
* Bad for validation
* Bad for XSL(T) :-)
* (there where more... / maybe one of the SC experts can provide them?)
The solution offered by the SC (for me) was to use bookmarks --- which I successfully did: http://florianreuter.blogspot.com/2007/07/field-enhancement-proof-of-concept.html
Just my two cents,
>>> "Dave Pawson"