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Re: [office] Formula subcommittee status

  • 1.  Re: [office] Formula subcommittee status

    Posted 07-21-2006 19:21
     MHonArc v2.5.0b2 -->

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    Subject: Re: [office] Formula subcommittee status

    Another twist.  Do we want function names to allow optional namespace prefixes?

    I'm thinking that an open spreadsheet platform will encourage the production of open libraries of extension spreadsheet functions, for specialized activities like securities analysis, process control, optical engineering, whatever.  When this happens we'll need to worry about collisions in function names.  Certainly no extension should use a name of a ODF-defined function.  But how do we prevent two custom libraries from using the same name?  One solution is to allow the function name itself to namespaced.

    I think XPath originated this idea as well.


    "Bruce D'Arcus" <bruce.darcus@OpenDocument.us> wrote on 07/21/2006 02:39:17 PM:

    > On Jul 21, 2006, at 2:28 PM, David A. Wheeler wrote:
    > > If there's a better solution, now would be the time to discuss it.
    > > But since this is already standard practice, and recommended by the
    > > official standard,
    > Well, OK then. I didn't know it was already so specified.
    > > I think we should proceed as-is.  It works.
    > It's just, it seems you end up in really hairy situations if you adopt
    > this as a general practice (as opposed to a really narrow one, like
    > maybe defining formulas or elements to output).
    > For example, how does a processor know whether "re:something" indicates
    > namespaced content, or whether it's simply content than happens to have
    > a ":" character?
    > We'll be faced with this choice (whether to use GNames or full uris)
    > probably in the metadata work, and my understanding has always been
    > that it's bad practice to use QNames in this context.
    > So we may end up with a situation where they're allowed in some places
    > (say formulas) and not elsewhere. Is that fine?
    > Bruce
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