OASIS Open Document Format for Office Applications (OpenDocument) TC

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Re: [office] Action required: OpenDocument v1.0 Second Edition Draft 28 (revised)

  • 1.  Re: [office] Action required: OpenDocument v1.0 Second Edition Draft 28 (revised)

    Posted 05-23-2006 18:55
     MHonArc v2.5.0b2 -->

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    Subject: Re: [office] Action required: OpenDocument v1.0 Second Edition Draft 28 (revised)

    I have found these spelling errors in Draft 18. Please note that some of
    them occur multiple times on the indicated pages.
      Page(s)   Existing text                 Corrected text
      --------- ----------------------------- ----------------------------
      75        continuos                     continuous
      177,178   text:ouline-level             text:outline-level
      274       titeldia                      titledia
      335       timming                       timing
      478       style:region-reight           style:region-right
      499       number:possessive-gorm        number:possessive-form
      516,518   text:linenumbering-seperator  text:linenumbering-separator
    * 517       rigth                         right
      538       linarGradient                 linearGradient
      576       follwing                      following
    * 654       intesity                      intensity
    * 665       style:wrap-dynamic-treshold   style:wrap-dynamic-threshold
      675       chart:interplation            chart:interpolation
      682       upper-limmit                  upper-limit
    Unfortunately the three starred ones also appear in the actual Relax NG
    schema. They are clearly typos but I'm not sure if the process for
    fixing them is the same.

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