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  • 1.  Res: [office] Meeting schedule going forward: Daylight Savings Time

    Posted 10-14-2009 20:58
    For me any of the proposed times are OK (will be around lunch time in Brazil).
    ------Mensagem original------
    De: Rob Weir
    Cc:Hanssens Bart
    Assunto: [office] Meeting schedule going forward: Daylight Savings Time
    Enviada em: Out 14, 2009 16:24
    (I'm cc'ing the chairs of the ODF Adoption and OIC TC's since they will 
    face this same issue on their TC's)
    I just went to cancel the November 2nd meeting, per our decision on 
    Monday, and saw that the repeating invite for the TC meetings will expire 
    at the end of October.  We set it to expire at this time so we can adjust 
    the meeting time to account for the various daylight savings time changes 
    over the next month .
    The changes, as I understand them are:
    DST ends:
    In Europe on Sunday, October 25th this year.
    In the US on Sunday, November 1st.
    DST begins:
    In Brazil, on Sunday October 17th.
    And China does not observe daylight savings time changes.
    Current meeting time for the TC has been at:
    1400 UTC = 7am West Coast US, 10:00am East Coast US, 4:00pm Hamburg, 10pm 
    What we have done in past years is keep the US time constant, resulting in 
    a meeting time after the DST changes of:
    1500 UTC = 7am West Coast US, 10:00am East Coast US, 4:00pm Hamburg, 11pm 
    Obviously that makes it quite late in Beijing. 
    The alternative would be to keep the UTC the same, which gives us:
    1400 UTC = 6am West Coast US, 9:00am East Coast US, 3:00pm Hamburg, 10pm 
    I know of another TC that solved this problem with a compromise: start the 
    meeting at 1430.
    So three choices for a meeting time:
    a) 1400 UTC
    b) 1430 UTC
    c) 1500 UTC
    I don't have a strong preference here, since the globe appears to be 
    aligned in such a fashion that I will get enough sleep whatever we decide. 
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  • 2.  Res: [office] Meeting schedule going forward: Daylight Savings Time

    Posted 10-14-2009 21:24
    Sorry... Wrong wording: The times are fine !