Greetings! Notes from our very productive meeting today follow! Hope everyone is having a great week! Patrick ***** Notes from 23rd March 2020 anonymous1 morphed into aguelzow Patrick: 1. Dial-In, Roll Call, Determination of Quorum and Voting Rights 2. Motion (simple majority): Approve the Agenda 3. Motion (simple majority): Approve minutes of 16 March 2020 (below) 4. ODF Later issues (Preference to current TC members and cycling through their issues so no one is on the spot for all of them in a meeting), btw, limiting the search to open/deferred issues counts 134: (Open%2C%20Deferred)%20AND%20fixVersion%20in%20(%22ODF%201.4%22%2C%20ODF-Next)%20ORDER%20BY%20reporter%20ASC ) 5. a. Which coordinate system is used in draw:enhanced-geometry, when svg:viewBox is missing - reporter: Regina Henschel b. Remove deprecated table:cell-range-address attribute within the <chartïlot-area> element reporter: Andreas Guelzow c. 14.1 <office:annotation> currently not usable with <drawïage> reporter: Patrick Durusau d. The color mode "Watermark" makes images pale, not transparent reporter: Regina Henschel 6. Adjournment aguelzow: I appear to be unable to call in... aguelzow morphed into Andreas Patrick: Andreas - what sort of message are you getting? Patrick: quorum - Andreas - counting you as here, will try to keep the chat up to date Andreas: I expected to call in with google voice (I am not at work) Patrick: I've tried that without success before. Patrick: Agenda - accepted by consent Patrick: Minutes of March 16th - changes or additions - accepted by consent Patrick: Andreas: until June 2019 I called with Google Voice every week... Patrick: Andreas - sorry, I don't know what to offer - do you Skype? Patrick: Regina - left out svg:d case in the modified text Patrick: - drawïoints (on <draw:area-polygon>, <draw:contour-polygon>, <drawïolygon> and <drawïolyline>). - svg:d Patrick: The svg:viewBox attribute and its value are used by used by the drawïoints 19.206 and svg:d 19.530 attributes and shall be present in the following cases: draw:formula (on <draw:equation>), if the value contains any of the following identifiers: 'bottom', 'height', 'left', 'right', 'top', 'width', 'xstretch', 'ystretch'. The final two in this list are as a result of the dependency upon drawïath-stretchpoint-x and drawïath-stretchpoint-y. draw:handle-position (on <draw:handle>), if the value contains any of the following handle position constants: 'bottom', 'height', 'left', 'right', 'top', 'width', 'xstretch', 'ystretch'. drawïath-stretchpoint-x (on <draw:enhanced-geometry>). drawïath-stretchpoint-y (on <draw:enhanced-geometry>). Patrick: The svg:viewBox attribute and its value are used by used by the drawoints 19.206 and svg:d 19.530 attributes. It shall also be present in the following cases: Regina Henschel: The svg:viewBox attribute and its value shall be present in case of the draw:points and svg:d attributes. The svg:viewBox attribute and its value shall be present in case of <draw:enhanced-geometry> in the cases Patrick: In full, the current proposal: The svg:viewBox attribute specifies a rectangle in a local coordinate system of a shape. The syntax for using this attribute is the same as the [SVG] syntax. The value of the attribute are four numbers separated by white spaces, which define the left, top, width, and height of the rectangle. The rectangle specified be the svg:viewBox attribute is mapped to the rectangle in the outer coordinate system, specified by the position and size attributes of the shape. The svg:viewBox attribute and its value shall be present in case of the draw:points and svg:d attributes. The svg:viewBox attribute and its value shall be present in case of <draw:enhanced-geometry> in the cases: draw:formula (on <draw:equation>), if the value contains any of the following identifiers: 'bottom', 'height', 'left', 'right', 'top', 'width', 'xstretch', 'ystretch'. The final two in this list are as a result of the dependency upon draw:path-stretchpoint-x and draw:path-stretchpoint-y. draw:handle-position (on <draw:handle>), if the value contains any of the following handle position constants: 'bottom', 'height', 'left', 'right', 'top', 'width', 'xstretch', 'ystretch'. draw:path-stretchpoint-x (on <draw:enhanced-geometry>). draw:path-stretchpoint-y (on <draw:enhanced-geometry>). Michael Stahl: typo "be"->"by" in "rectangle specified be the svg:viewBox attribute" Patrick: thanks! Regina Henschel: coordinates are given as constant numbers Regina Henschel: M 1000 2000 Patrick: Regina Henschel: 19.145 draw:enhanced-path Patrick: The svg:viewBox attribute specifies a rectangle in a local coordinate system of a shape. The syntax for using this attribute is the same as the [SVG] syntax. The value of the attribute are four numbers separated by white spaces, which define the left, top, width, and height of the rectangle. Such local coordinate system is used by the draw:points 19.206 and svg:d 19.530 attributes, as well as by the attributes of <draw:enhanced-geometry> 10.6.2 element and its child elements which specify coordinates. The attribute svg:viewBox shall be present, if there exists any position or length value without unit in the attributes and child elements. The rectangle specified be the svg:viewBox attribute is mapped to the rectangle in the outer coordinate system, specified by the position and size attributes of the shape. Patrick: The svg:viewBox attribute specifies a rectangle in a local coordinate system of a shape. The syntax for using this attribute is the same as the [SVG] syntax. The value of the attribute are four numbers separated by white spaces, which define the left, top, width, and height of the rectangle. Such local coordinate system is used by the draw:points 19.206 and svg:d 19.530 attributes, as well as by the attributes of <draw:enhanced-geometry> 10.6.2 element and its child elements which specify coordinates. The attribute svg:viewBox shall be present, if there exists any position or length value without unit in the attributes and child elements of <draw:enhanced-geometry>. The rectangle specified be the svg:viewBox attribute is mapped to the rectangle in the outer coordinate system, specified by the position and size attributes of the shape. Patrick: and -> or Patrick: The svg:viewBox attribute specifies a rectangle in a local coordinate system of a shape. The syntax for using this attribute is the same as the [SVG] syntax. The value of the attribute are four numbers separated by white spaces, which define the left, top, width, and height of the rectangle. Such local coordinate system is used by the draw:points 19.206 and svg:d 19.530 attributes, as well as by the attributes of <draw:enhanced-geometry> 10.6.2 element and its child elements which specify coordinates. The attribute svg:viewBox shall be present, if there exists any position or length value without unit in the attributes or child elements of <draw:enhanced-geometry>. The rectangle specified be the svg:viewBox attribute is mapped to the rectangle in the outer coordinate system, specified by the position and size attributes of the shape. Regina Henschel: The svg:viewBox attribute and its value shall be present in case of the drawpoints and svg:d attributes. The svg:viewBox attribute and its value shall be present in case of <draw:enhanced-geometry>, if there exists any position or length value without unit in its attributes or child elements. Regina Henschel: Instead of " The attribute svg:viewBox shall be present, if there exists any position or length value without unit in the attributes and child elements of <draw:enhanced-geometry>." in your proposal above. Patrick: With Regina's edit: The svg:viewBox attribute specifies a rectangle in a local coordinate system of a shape. The syntax for using this attribute is the same as the [SVG] syntax. The value of the attribute are four numbers separated by white spaces, which define the left, top, width, and height of the rectangle. Such local coordinate system is used by the draw:points 19.206 and svg:d 19.530 attributes, as well as by the attributes of <draw:enhanced-geometry> 10.6.2 element and its child elements which specify coordinates. The svg:viewBox attribute and its value shall be present in case of the drawpoints and svg:d attributes. The svg:viewBox attribute and its value shall be present in case of <draw:enhanced-geometry>, if there exists any position or length value without unit in its attributes or child elements. The rectangle specified be the svg:viewBox attribute is mapped to the rectangle in the outer coordinate system, specified by the position and size attributes of the shape. Regina Henschel: I missed the colon. drawpoints --> draw:points Patrick: OK Patrick: be -> by last sentence -- Patrick Durusau Technical Advisory Board, OASIS (TAB) Editor, OpenDocument Format TC (OASIS), Project Editor ISO/IEC 26300 Co-Editor, ISO/IEC 13250-1, 13250-5 (Topic Maps) Another Word For It (blog): Homepage: Twitter: patrickDurusau Attachment: signature.asc Description: OpenPGP digital signature