OASIS Open Document Format for Office Applications (OpenDocument) TC

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  • 1.  OFFICE-2103 - Test document using automatic styles refering to page breaks

    Posted 03-20-2017 17:17
    Dear TC, according to our call today, I have developed a first test document for page breaks, which I am not able to attach (seems nobody is) to  our JIRA issue OFFICE-2103 . Therefore I wrote this email and attach the document. I started the test document 'pageBreaks.odt' with LibreOffice, but edited the content.xml of the document later with a text editor (JEdit using Archive and XML exentension), therefore the test document is artificial but still valid ODF according to our ODF validator -  odf-validator.rhcloud.com . In this first document I have continued - as LibreOffice started it - to use automatic styles to reference to master page and use fo:break-before="page" and fo:break-after="page" attributes in paragraph properties element. I used two standard paragraphs as gap between every experiment, which have been Automatic style with  fo:break-after="page" Automatic style with  fo:break-before="page" Automatic style referencing to Landscape page format Automatic style referencing (back) to Portrait page format Automatic style with both  fo:break-after="page" & fo:break-before="page" Automatic style with both  fo:break-before="page" & fo:break-after="page" Two sequential paragraphs: first having automatic style fo:break-after="page" & second with fo:break-before="page" Most interesting are the results of last three experiments.  For my testing I have been using only LibreOffice 64bit (LO) and Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2016 (MSO16) both under Windows 10 Home 64 bit. Both office applications handled everything the same, when loaded. When there are two attributes only the last attribute being given was used (#5 used break-before, #6 used break-after) and at #7 no additional empty page was added, allthough two page breaks came together. As we stated in our call, both break attributes are valid to be used in one properties element by RelaxNG but are  forbidden by text  (Patrick volunteered to write an issue). In additional, interesting I have saved the manual edited document without further editing and it was normalized by MSO16 using only fo:break-before (exchanging existing break-after) and use redundant  <text:soft-page-break>  in addition and when saved by LO the 'redundant' page break was removed (so did MSO16). In this context, I would vote to adopt the spec to the existing behavior of both major office applications and remove the first break property from the element and allow only one in the RelaxNG instead of adding feature, which is yet not supported nor demanded by any users. Unless of course the office applications demand this change of behavior. Finally, after saving the document with the one office appliations, I have opened the result document with the other to get a quick interoperabiltiy feed-back.  But everything looked always the same as it should. What is likely next to be tested is the same scenario using template styles instead of automatic styles and afterward this a mixture testing inheritance of break properties. Michael gave some hints, that the empty style:master-page-name attribute value might influence inheritance. Somebody else volunteering on creating a test on this? :) All the best, Svante PS: I will reference this email from our issue OFFICE-2103.. ? Attachment: pageBreaks_LO5.3.1.2.odt Description: application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text Attachment: pageBreaks_MSO16.odt Description: application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text Attachment: pageBreaks.odt Description: application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text

  • 2.  Re: [office] OFFICE-2103 - Test document using automatic styles refering to page breaks

    Posted 03-26-2017 18:42
    Hi all, I have tested file 'pageBreak.odt' in SoftMaker 2016. It can read ODF but cannot write it. Cases 1,2,3,4 and 7 are handled same as Svante has described. In cases 5 and 6 (break-before and break-after in the same paragraph) my results are different from Svantes. In my tests, there is no page break at all. I have tested LibreOffice 5.2.6 and 5.4 master, Apache OpenOffice 4.1.2 and SoftMaker 2016, all on Windows 7. Kind regards Regina Svante Schubert schrieb: Dear TC, according to our call today, I have developed a first test document for page breaks, which I am not able to attach (seems nobody is) to our JIRA issue OFFICE-2103 < https://issues.oasis-open.org/browse/OFFICE-2103 >. Therefore I wrote this email and attach the document. I started the test document 'pageBreaks.odt' with LibreOffice, but edited the content.xml of the document later with a text editor (JEdit using Archive and XML exentension), therefore the test document is artificial but still valid ODF according to our ODF validator - odf-validator.rhcloud.com < http://odf-validator.rhcloud.com/ >. In this first document I have continued - as LibreOffice started it - to use automatic styles to reference to master page and use fo:break-before="page" and fo:break-after="page" attributes in paragraph properties element. I used two standard paragraphs as gap between every experiment, which have been 1. Automatic style with fo:break-after="page" 2. Automatic style with fo:break-before="page" 3. Automatic style referencing to Landscape page format 4. Automatic style referencing (back) to Portrait page format 5. Automatic style with both fo:break-after="page" & fo:break-before="page" 6. Automatic style with both fo:break-before="page" & fo:break-after="page" 7. Two sequential paragraphs: first having automatic style fo:break-after="page" & second with fo:break-before="page" Most interesting are the results of last three experiments. For my testing I have been using only LibreOffice 64bit (LO) and Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2016 (MSO16) both under Windows 10 Home 64 bit. Both office applications handled everything the same, when loaded. When there are two attributes only the last attribute being given was used (#5 used break-before, #6 used break-after) and at #7 no additional empty page was added, allthough two page breaks came together. [..]

  • 3.  Re: [office] OFFICE-2103 - Test document using automatic styles refering to page breaks

    Posted 03-27-2017 10:27
    Hello all, Regina is absolutely right about the problem with #5 and #6, I state the opposite now (for both apps) there is no page break when both attributes are being used. It was of course just a little test to see if you are checking the test. :) To enhance the usability of the test I have added a summary in the beginning of the test document and a number to refer to the correct test case. Please find the second enhanced usability version attached. Till soon, Svante ? 2017-03-26 20:41 GMT+02:00 Regina Henschel < regina.henschel@libreoffice.org > : Hi all, I have tested file 'pageBreak.odt' in SoftMaker 2016. It can read ODF but cannot write it. Cases 1,2,3,4 and 7 are handled same as Svante has described. In cases 5 and 6 (break-before and break-after in the same paragraph) my results are different from Svantes. In my tests, there is no page break at all. I have tested LibreOffice 5.2.6 and 5.4 master, Apache OpenOffice 4.1.2 and SoftMaker 2016, all on Windows 7. Kind regards Regina Svante Schubert schrieb: Dear TC, according to our call today, I have developed a first test document for page breaks, which I am not able to attach (seems nobody is) to our JIRA issue OFFICE-2103 < https://issues.oasis-open.org /browse/OFFICE-2103 >. Therefore I wrote this email and attach the document. I started the test document 'pageBreaks.odt' with LibreOffice, but edited the content.xml of the document later with a text editor (JEdit using Archive and XML exentension), therefore the test document is artificial but still valid ODF according to our ODF validator - odf-validator.rhcloud.com < http://odf-validator.rhcloud. com/ >. In this first document I have continued - as LibreOffice started it - to use automatic styles to reference to master page and use fo:break-before="page" and fo:break-after="page" attributes in paragraph properties element. I used two standard paragraphs as gap between every experiment, which have been  1. Automatic style with fo:break-after="page"  2. Automatic style with fo:break-before="page"  3. Automatic style referencing to Landscape page format  4. Automatic style referencing (back) to Portrait page format  5. Automatic style with both fo:break-after="page" & fo:break-before="page"  6. Automatic style with both fo:break-before="page" & fo:break-after="page"  7. Two sequential paragraphs: first having automatic style     fo:break-after="page" & second with fo:break-before="page" Most interesting are the results of last three experiments. For my testing I have been using only LibreOffice 64bit (LO) and Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2016 (MSO16) both under Windows 10 Home 64 bit. Both office applications handled everything the same, when loaded. When there are two attributes only the last attribute being given was used (#5 used break-before, #6 used break-after) and at #7 no additional empty page was added, allthough two page breaks came together. [..] ------------------------------ ------------------------------ --------- To unsubscribe from this mail list, you must leave the OASIS TC that generates this mail.  Follow this link to all your TCs in OASIS at: https://www.oasis-open.org/app s/org/workgroup/portal/my_work groups.php Attachment: pageBreaksV2.odt Description: application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text

  • 4.  RE: [office] OFFICE-2103 - Test document using automatic styles refering to page breaks

    Posted 03-27-2017 11:06
      |   view attached
    Testing it in Calligra I get the following results:   0 no break 1 breaks after 2 breaks before 3 breaks before 4 breaks before 5 no break 6 no break 7 break between lines A and B   Which to me looks exactly the same as when I view it in MS Word   Btw I won’t be able to attend today’s call either, but I hope you can use my info   Best regards Camilla   From: office@lists.oasis-open.org [mailto:office@lists.oasis-open.org] On Behalf Of Svante Schubert Sent: 27. marts 2017 12:27 To: Regina Henschel <regina.henschel@libreoffice.org> Cc: office@lists.oasis-open.org Subject: Re: [office] OFFICE-2103 - Test document using automatic styles refering to page breaks   Hello all,   Regina is absolutely right about the problem with #5 and #6, I state the opposite now (for both apps) there is no page break when both attributes are being used. It was of course just a little test to see if you are checking the test. :) To enhance the usability of the test I have added a summary in the beginning of the test document and a number to refer to the correct test case.   Please find the second enhanced usability version attached.   Till soon, Svante ?   2017-03-26 20:41 GMT+02:00 Regina Henschel < regina.henschel@libreoffice.org >: Hi all, I have tested file 'pageBreak.odt' in SoftMaker 2016. It can read ODF but cannot write it. Cases 1,2,3,4 and 7 are handled same as Svante has described. In cases 5 and 6 (break-before and break-after in the same paragraph) my results are different from Svantes. In my tests, there is no page break at all. I have tested LibreOffice 5.2.6 and 5.4 master, Apache OpenOffice 4.1.2 and SoftMaker 2016, all on Windows 7. Kind regards Regina Svante Schubert schrieb: Dear TC, according to our call today, I have developed a first test document for page breaks, which I am not able to attach (seems nobody is) to our JIRA issue OFFICE-2103 < https://issues.oasis-open.org/browse/OFFICE-2103 >. Therefore I wrote this email and attach the document. I started the test document 'pageBreaks.odt' with LibreOffice, but edited the content.xml of the document later with a text editor (JEdit using Archive and XML exentension), therefore the test document is artificial but still valid ODF according to our ODF validator - odf-validator.rhcloud.com < http://odf-validator.rhcloud.com/ >. In this first document I have continued - as LibreOffice started it - to use automatic styles to reference to master page and use fo:break-before="page" and fo:break-after="page" attributes in paragraph properties element. I used two standard paragraphs as gap between every experiment, which have been  1. Automatic style with fo:break-after="page"  2. Automatic style with fo:break-before="page"  3. Automatic style referencing to Landscape page format  4. Automatic style referencing (back) to Portrait page format  5. Automatic style with both fo:break-after="page" & fo:break-before="page"  6. Automatic style with both fo:break-before="page" & fo:break-after="page"  7. Two sequential paragraphs: first having automatic style     fo:break-after="page" & second with fo:break-before="page" Most interesting are the results of last three experiments. For my testing I have been using only LibreOffice 64bit (LO) and Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2016 (MSO16) both under Windows 10 Home 64 bit. Both office applications handled everything the same, when loaded. When there are two attributes only the last attribute being given was used (#5 used break-before, #6 used break-after) and at #7 no additional empty page was added, allthough two page breaks came together. [..] --------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe from this mail list, you must leave the OASIS TC that generates this mail.  Follow this link to all your TCs in OASIS at: https://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/portal/my_workgroups.php  

  • 5.  Re: [office] OFFICE-2103 - Test document using automatic styles refering to page breaks

    Posted 03-27-2017 11:23
      |   view attached
    Hi all, attached are break examples for tables. Here the results are different TableBreakAfterBefore.odt has first fo:break-after then fo:break-before. LibreOffice 5.4 breaks only before, SoftMaker 2016 breaks only before, Word 2016 breaks before and after TableBreakBeforeAfter.odt has first fo:break-before then fo:break-after. LibreOffice 5.4 breaks only after, SoftMaker 2016 breaks only before, Word 2016 breaks before and after TableBreakMasterPageAfter has a style:master-page-name="Landscape" and fo:break-after. LibreOffice 5.4 breaks before, has table in landscape, breaks after Softmaker 2016 same as LibreOffice 5.4. Word 2016 breaks before, has table in landscape. But then has the paragraph which comes directly after the table doubled. One of them is directly after the table, then comes a break and then comes the other one. That is likely a bug in Word 2016, which can open ODF1.2 only with 'repair'. My conclusion is, because the behavior is different in case both fo:break-after and fo:break-before are present, this should be forbidden. If the user wants a break before and after the table and hold this information inside the table, then this can be achieved with the combination of a master-page-name attribute (which results in a break before) and a fo:break-after. Kind regards Regina Attachment: TableBreak.zip Description: Zip archive


    TableBreak.zip   23 KB 1 version