OASIS Open Document Format for Office Applications (OpenDocument) TC

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Re: [office] Extensions and MIME types

  • 1.  Re: [office] Extensions and MIME types

    Posted 08-09-2004 15:11
     MHonArc v2.5.0b2 -->

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    Subject: Re: [office] Extensions and MIME types

    Michael Brauer wrote:
    > Hi all,
    > there seem to be at least two sub topics that need to be discussed in 
    > our TC:
    > a) Do we want to specify/recommend file name extensions, and if so, 
    > the ones OpenOffice.org suggests?
    > b) There seem to exists some more document types than the ones where 
    > we currently specify MIME types for (namely formulas, master documents 
    > and web documents). Do we want to add them?
    > Maybe Gary has some mor sub topics to discuss.
    > Best regards
    > Michael
    Hi Michael,
    I hope you're not thinking that i actually read the thousands of OOo 
    "comments" and "kind suggestions" concerning the new OASIS file 
    extensions?  :)
    If we could settle the file extensions issue, i think i'll be able to 
    make the case for change.  But not without some blood in the streets :)
    > Michael Brauer wrote:
    >> Hi Gary,
    >> I've already added this item to our agenda.
    >> Best regards
    >> Michael
    >> Gary Edwards wrote:
    >>> Hi OASIS OO TC,
    >>> If possible, as part of the  August 9th agenda, could we discuss the 
    >>> proposed changes to file format extensions and mime types?  These 
    >>> proposals were somewhat put forward by Michael Brauer in his email 
    >>> message:* [office] Extensions and MIME types*.
    >>> The proposals are outlined and explained in a document Michael 
    >>> pointed to in his message:
    >>> <Michael> "The OpenOffice.org people created a proposal which 
    >>> extension they want to use in their product, so we might want to 
    >>> continue our discussion:
    >>> http://specs.openoffice.org/appwide/fileIO/FileFormatNames.sxw 
    >>> </Michael>
    >>> The new extensions have caused a bit of a flurry at OpenOffice.org.  
    >>> One i must respond to.  So if it's all the same to the members of 
    >>> the TC, i would appreciate it if we could bring this issue up for 
    >>> discussion.   And if there are no objections, a vote, one way or the 
    >>> other, would be helpful.  What i really need is a sense of where the 
    >>> TC members are regarding the new file extension proposal.
    >>> Oh yeah,
    >>> +1 New File Extensions and Mime Types.
    >>> Thanks, i hope the list server can handle html,
    >>> ~ge~
    >>> *Proposed File Type Names:*
    >>>     *
    >>>       Open Office Text
    >>>     *
    >>>       Open Office Text Template
    >>>     *
    >>>       Open Office Spreadsheet
    >>>     *
    >>>       Open Office Spreadsheet Template
    >>>     *
    >>>       Open Office Presentation
    >>>     *
    >>>       Open Office Presentation Template
    >>>     *
    >>>       Open Office Drawing
    >>>     *
    >>>       Open Office Drawing Template
    >>>     *
    >>>       Open Office Master Document
    >>>     *
    >>>       Open Office Formula
    >>> *Proposed File Format Extensions:*
    >>> Application
    >>> *Old File Names
    >>> (OOo 1.1/SO 7)*
    >>> *Old File Extension
    >>> *File / Template
    >>> *New File Names*
    >>> *New File Extension
    >>> *File / Template
    >>> Writer
    >>> {Productname}^^1 <#sdfootnote1sym> Text Document
    >>> sxw
    >>> stw
    >>> Open Office Text
    >>> Open Office Text Template
    >>> *oot*
    >>> *ott*
    >>> Writer (Master)
    >>> {Productname} Master Document
    >>> sxg
    >>> ---
    >>> Open Office Master Document
    >>> ---
    >>> *oom*
    >>> ---
    >>> Writer/WEB
    >>> {Productname} 6.0/7 HTML Template
    >>> stw
    >>> HTML Document Template
    >>> *oth*
    >>> Calc
    >>> {Productname} Spreadsheet
    >>> sxc
    >>> stc
    >>> Open Office Spreadsheet
    >>> Open Office Spreadsheet Template
    >>> *oos*
    >>> *ots*
    >>> Draw
    >>> {Productname} Drawing
    >>> sd
    >>> stc
    >>> Open Office Drawing
    >>> Open Office Drawing Template
    >>> *ood*
    >>> *otd*
    >>> Impress
    >>> {Productname} Presentation
    >>> sxi
    >>> sti
    >>> Open Office Presentation
    >>> Open Office Presentation Template
    >>> *oop*
    >>> *otp*
    >>> Math
    >>> {Productname} Formula
    >>> sxm
    >>> ---
    >>> Open Office Formula
    >>> ---
    >>> *oof*
    >>> ---
    >>> Database^2 <#sdfootnote2sym>
    >>> -- 
    >>> -- 
    >>> Open Office Database
    >>> *odb*
    >>> *Mime Types:*
    >>> Application
    >>> Mime Type
    >>> Writer
    >>> application/x-vnd.oasis.openoffice.text
    >>> Writer/WEB
    >>> application/x-vnd.oasis.openoffice.text-web
    >>> Writer/Master
    >>> application/x-vnd.oasis.openoffice.text-master
    >>> Draw
    >>> application/x-vnd.oasis.openoffice.drawing
    >>> Impress
    >>> application/x-vnd.oasis.openoffice.presentation
    >>> Calc
    >>> application/x-vnd.oasis.openoffice.spreadsheet
    >>> Chart
    >>> application/x-vnd.oasis.openoffice.chart
    >>> Math
    >>> application/x-vnd.oasis.openoffice.formula
    >>> Base
    >>> application/x-vnd.oasis.openoffice.database

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