Hi, Gnumeric's results match on all rows except row 9. The difference is also that A9 in fact contains the empty string for Gnumeric. So I had a further look at Excel (in my case Excel 2016). If I enter an empty string in Excel 2016 in A1 (i.e. by typing just ') and enter =ISBLANK(A1) in A2, then A2 shows as FALSE. If I save the file as an ODF file and reopen, the Excel 2016 shows TRUE in A2 and has lost the content of A1. I do not know how I can enter the empty string into a cell in Libreoffice (without using a formula). Andreas On 2020-04-15 8:55 a.m., Regina Henschel wrote: Hi all, I thought it might be useful to have a test document with edge cases. In case you resave the document, please make sure, that the cell contents <text:p/> <text:p><text:s/></text:p> are still there and not removed by your application. I've got Excel 365, but not Gnumeric. Andreas, can you please look, what Gnumeric results? Kind regards Regina --------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe from this mail list, you must leave the OASIS TC that generates this mail. Follow this link to all your TCs in OASIS at:
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