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Re: [office] Bullet characters

  • 1.  Re: [office] Bullet characters

    Posted 08-03-2005 15:59
     MHonArc v2.5.0b2 -->

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    Subject: Re: [office] Bullet characters

    Ok, here is a bit more info on 0x27a2
    it's from the unicode block "2700..27BF: Dingbats", section "Dingbat arrows"
    see http://www.unicode.org/charts/PDF/U2700.pdf
    This originated from the infamous Zapf Dingbats font IIRC. Of course, 
    not every font will have this glyph, which is why openoffice uses the 
    fallback mechanism, that Florian described. OpenOffice and StarOffice 
    come with a font called StarSymbol, which includes glyphs the 2700..27BF 
    What this comes down to, is that it should basically be left to the 
    application to find a out where to get it's glyphs, if that they are not 
    available from the font that was specified.
    Florian Reuter wrote:
    > Hi David,
    > OpenOffice.org has a "glyph-fallback", which means that if the current 
    > font can't display the given unicode character OpenOffice.org 
    > automatically chooses an appropriate font. In most cases "StarSymbol" 
    > will be choosen.
    > You can find character 0x27a2 in the character selector if you choose 
    > the "StarSymbol" font.
    > Florian
    >> I know that this has been discussed already, but I still can't make 
    >> sense of how to find some of the special characters used for bullets. 
    >> In particular,
    >> which font has the character with the unicode point 0x27a2? Even 
    >> OpenOffice.org's character-selector doesn't show it...
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    Lars Oppermann <lars.oppermann@sun.com>               Sun Microsystems
    Software Engineer - StarOffice                           Sachsenfeld 4
    Phone: +49 40 23646 959                                D-20097 Hamburg
    Fax:   +49 40 23646 550                  http://www.sun.com/staroffice

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