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Re: Breakout Track Objectives & Agendas

  • 1.  Re: Breakout Track Objectives & Agendas

    Posted 10-26-2005 12:45
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    Subject: Re: Breakout Track Objectives & Agendas

    I forgot to add that if you plan to participate remotely, it would be nice if you could RSVP so that we can have some idea how many people to expect.  Thanks!  -- Nathaniel

    ----- Forwarded by Nathaniel S Borenstein/Concord/IBM on 10/26/2005 08:42 AM -----
    Nathaniel S Borenstein/Concord/IBM

    10/25/2005 06:46 PM

    Fw: Breakout Track Objectives & Agendas

    Here are the technical details for virtual participation in the technical sessions of the ODF summit November 4.  A detailed agenda is forthcoming, which will include the times of the technical break-outs.

    Please note that non-IBMers will have to register the first time they use the emeeting (web conference) service, so please don't wait for the very last minute!


            Toll-free US dial-in:             (877) 422-0035
            Toll/international dial-in:     +1 314 655 1411
            Passcode:        583816



      + When joining the web conference, you will be asked for an IBM ID and password.
        - To verify an existing IBM ID and password, please visit http://www.ibm.com/account/profile
          to ensure valid sign in credentials and review your registration information.
        - If you need a new IBM ID and password, visit http://www.ibm.com/account/profile/us?page=reg
          to register. The ID should be active for usage on http://www.ibm.com/collaboration/collaboratenow
          within 10 minutes of submission.

      + If this is your first IBM Web Conference, attend the special "test" meeting to
        make sure that you can join easily.  Please visit http://www.ibm.com/collaboration/collaboratenow
        and click "test meeting"

      + To join the conference, a Windows 2000 or Windows XP computer is required.


      1) Join the conference up to 15 minutes prior to 11/4/2005 7:00 AM (UTC -8)
      2) Direct your web browser to the following URL:      https://www.ibm.com/collaboration/webconferences/meetingdetails.jsp?meetingId=64C36A3F5C83A62EE5C0D66A7542D28A
      3) When asked, enter your user name and password.  Use your IBM ID (see above).
      4) When prompted, enter the web conference password:  nov4odf

     Additional web conference details:

         Conference name:    ODF Technical Group
         Password:           nov4odf
         Start time:         11/4/2005 7:00 AM Pacific time
         Duration:           5h 0m
         Tools:              Whiteboard, Screen sharing

     NOTE: If a participant has lost the e-mail with the conference URL and password,
           you may join the meeting using the following steps:

              - Visit http://www.ibm.com/collaboration/collaboratenow and sign-in.
              - Enter the exact meeting name (case sensitive) into the empty text field in
                the web conferences portal.

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