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Subject: Re: [office] OpenDocument TC Meeting Agenda October 31, 2005
Hi all,
I did not take into account that daylight saving times ended in US and
Europe, so the GMT time I've provided actually is wrong. The correct one is:
The OpenDocument Technical Committee will have its next
meeting on Monday, October the 31st, at 8am PT (4pm GMT).
The teleconference phone number can be found at the TC's web page at
Michael Brauer - Sun Germany - ham02 - Hamburg wrote On 10/28/05 17:14,:
> OpenDocument TC
> Agenda Phone Conference October 31, 2005
> ========================================
> The OpenDocument Technical Committee will have its next
> meeting on Monday, October the 31st, at 8am PDT (3pm GMT).
> The teleconference phone number can be found at the TC's web page at
> Agenda
> ------
> Approx.
> Time (PDT) Topic
> ---------- -----
> 8:00-8:05 Roll Call
> 8:05-8:10 Approval of last meeting's minutes, action item review
> 8:10-8:55 Discussions about Meta Data/RDF
> 8:55-9:00 New Action-Item Review
> Best regards
> Michael
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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Michael Brauer Phone: +49 40 23646 500
Technical Architect Software Engineering Fax: +49 40 23646 550
StarOffice Development
Sun Microsystems GmbH
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