Greetings! Below you find a draft agenda for our TC call on Monday, 2019-09-30 Time: The call counts towards voter eligibility. Teleconference Numbers Canada - (use US number) Denmark - +45 78 77 25 34 Germany - +49 30 255550324 Hungary - +36 1 987 6874 The Netherlands - +31 6 35205016 USA - +1 712 770 5505 Access code (for all numbers): 438-387 Chat room for meeting is at: Please send comments to the mailing list. Agenda ------ 1. Dial-In, Roll Call, Determination of Quorum and Voting Rights 2. Motion (simple majority): Approve the Agenda 3. Motion (simple majority): Approve minutes of 23 September 2019 ***** 23 September 2019 Minutes - draft 1. Roll Call * Andreas Guelzow * Patrick Durusau * Alfred Hellstern * Regina Henschel * Rich McLain * Michael Stahl 2. Agenda Approved by consent 3. Minutes of September 16, 2019 approved by consent (with amendment that Michael Stahl did not attend - with that change) - approved 4. update on public review and presentation issues 5. -- mark as applied 6. -- Regina - wait to see if we get other comments on the draft - May need to add term "conformance" to some sections - as per TC admin -- Wait on office-3662 on other comments 7. - no additional functions added to OpenFormula 8. Regina - how to delete targets with no issues? Henschel: ODF 1.3 CSD 01 -- await the end of public review for deletion? -- ask about name and deletion - Patrick to TC Admin 9. set to ODF 1.3 so we can find it. (done) 10. Add holidays - 23rd December and 30th of December - ? add 23rd and 30th of December to holiday schedule - consent -- holiday = no meeting 11. Adjournment - 12:40 ***** 4. FYI - Public Review has begun on OpenOffice 1.3! 5. office:value-type confusing language New but previously discussed, no proposal: Suggest open, assign to Patrick, revisit when proposal is filed 6. 19.145 draw:enhanced-path - issue with definition of behavior Regina suggests mailing posts: and for background 7. Adjournment Hope everyone is at the start of a great week! Patrick -- Patrick Durusau Technical Advisory Board, OASIS (TAB) Editor, OpenDocument Format TC (OASIS), Project Editor ISO/IEC 26300 Co-Editor, ISO/IEC 13250-1, 13250-5 (Topic Maps) Another Word For It (blog): Homepage: Twitter: patrickDurusau Attachment: signature.asc Description: OpenPGP digital signature