I agree (except for file names, at least OOo doesn't keep file names,
but in the end the spec doesn't guide what to do anyway).
I would like to avoid way 1+2, but to directly go with way 3.
a) It's IMHO the better approach
b) Don't introduce interim changes, This breaks compatibility twice, and
I am even not not sure if somebody would implement them at all.
Another not yet mentioned approach would be to use/allow standard zip
encryption including directory encryption (instead of way 1+2, but not
as a replacement for 3).
But I don't know if this would allow for different algorithms, nor do I
know if the standard zip encryption is considered to be strong.
I guess there are reasons that it hasn't be considered for ODF
encryption from the beginning...
robert_weir@us.ibm.com wrote, On 05/11/10 19:42:
> The approach we inherited from ODF 1.1 encrypts each file in the ZIP
> independently. Although the contents of the files are not viewable due to
> the encryption, there are bits of information that potential "leak", such
> as:
> 1) The file size
> 2) The file date
> 3) The file name
> 4) The file mime type
> 5) The hash of the first 1024 bytes of the file
> For example, even in an encrypted document I could see a file name called
> "big-secret-takeover-june-3.jpg" and know some information that the person
> who wrote the encrypted document might be rather surprised to see in the
> open.
> Although not required by ODF, an implementation, if it is clever, can
> avoid some of these leakages. For example, the timestamp of the file can
> be turned into the time of encryption rather than the original time stamp.
> And the file name can be randomized rather than indicate the original
> file name. This might be fine for ODF, since these time stamps and file
> names are not necessary to be preserved. So long as as we preserve
> referential integrity of the package, the names of images are not
> significant.
> However we still should be concerned here. First, the reason we split
> Part 3 into its own part was the believe that it could be useful for
> purposes other than just ODF 1.2. Many of us hoped that it would other
> uses. But I don't think we can assume that all uses can ignore the
> original file names and time stamps. These might be significant for some
> uses.
> Second, even within ODF, especially if we allow package extensions, we
> might see items added to packages where the names of files (which may
> ultimately end user-defined) cannot safely be renamed to random names. For
> example, there may be referential integrity constraints that a generic ODF
> processor is not aware of. Maybe there is RDF that points to a contained
> image or other package resource. In any case, the approach is very
> fragile.
> Finally, even without extensions, and with the use of randomized names, we
> still leak information, based on knowing the size and hash of the first
> 1024 bytes of the file. For example, if I have a copy of "
> big-secret-takeover-june-3.jpg" I can easily check to see what encrypted
> documents also contain that same image. I can similarly probe for any
> other resource where I know in advance its size and or contents.
> There are three ways of getting around this problem. (Or at least two
> that come to mind). One is to keep a "shadow directory" for the ZIP, that
> contains the original names, time stamps, and sizes of the files. Encrypt
> this "shadow directory" when the document is encrypted. For example
> encrypted file, prepend it with some random bytes (not sure what is
> optimal) in order to prevent data leakage of original size and hash of
> first 1024 bytes.
> Another approach is to encode the original full path of the file, appended
> with its timestamp, using the original derived key, base64 encode that,
> and then write that out as the full path for the ZIP entry. That way you
> do not need another file in the ZIP.
> The other way is to move to a whole-package encryption method, rather than
> trying to do this file-by-file.
> -Rob
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