The request from the accessibility SC is based on the finding, that
nested tables are hard to use with A11Y tools. Such tools only provide a
limited navigational context.
The specification allows for both, nested tables and row/colspans. In
the case of a nested table, the specification also provides the
is-subtable attribute, which merges the nested table with the
surrounding cell.
This means, that implementors of editors currently have a choice of what
kind of structure they generate when implementing a function like "split
this cell" or "merge these two cells".
I think the request of the A11Y SC is mainly about providing guidance to
implementors to prefer the use of col/rowspan for such functions. If
subtables are preferred, the resulting documents are harder to use in an
A11Y context.
So what I would propose for the specification is to state in the
description of is-subtable, that using nested table structures may be
problematic for non-visual renditions of the documents. Henceforth,
col/rowspan should be used whenever appropriate to make the resulting
document more accessible.
Andreas J. Guelzow wrote:
> On Wed, 2007-27-06 at 17:13 +0200, Thomas Zander wrote:
>> On Wednesday 27 June 2007 16:48:37 Andreas J Guelzow wrote:
>>> See above example. Failure to provide such support would complicate the
>>> description of that table.
>> To be sure we are talking about the same thing; the example you gave is
>> naturally still possible using subtables. I have not seen any suggestion
>> to remove that feature.
> I understand the initial request of the accessibility sc to suggest
> exactly that. At least the argument made are applicable to any kind of
> subtable.
> Andreas
Sun Microsystems Lars Oppermann