I have another two weeks before I return to full focus on the ODF 1.1 Errata, this time leading to completion and posting of WD05 in September. WD05 will reflect all comments received (so far: none) on WD04. WD05 will also include more editorial text, with links to referenced documents, JIRA issues, and defect reports. WD05 will also include known ODF 1.1 defect errata items that were not included in IS 26300:2006 COR1, COR2, or AMD1. These last errata items are introduced later than AMD1 because of non-trivial technical discrepancies among ODF 1.0, 1.1, and IS 26300 or because they arose after AMD1 was being approved. Some of these will lead to an IS 26300 COR3 as a final step in the alignment of ODF 1.1 and IS 26300:2006 as amended. I will provide at-least biweekly status updates starting before September 10 (since September 3 is the actual observance of US Labor Day). - Dennis