OASIS Open Document Format for Office Applications (OpenDocument) TC

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  • 1.  [office] OpenDocument TC Coordination Call Minutes 2006-08-07

    Posted 08-18-2006 09:25
    1. Dial-In, Roll Call
    Yue Ma, IBM
    Robert Weir, IBM
    Helen Yue, IBM
    Michael Brauer, Sun Microsystems
    Peter Korn, Sun Microsystems
    Lars Oppermann, Sun Microsystems
    Eike Rathke, Sun Microsystems
    Bruce D'Arcus, The OpenDocument Foundation
    Gary Edwards, The OpenDocument Foundation
    David Wheeler, The OpenDocument Foundation
    Florian Reuter, The OpenDocument Foundation
    Chris Nokelberg, Tonic Systems
    2. Approval of Meeting Minutes, Action Item Review
    The attending TC members unanimously accepted the minutes from the last
    coordination call.
    3. Action Items
    Michael: Issue Tracking
    (Michael) we could use a Wiki to track our open issues...
    Michael: Request start of 1.1 review
    - done
    Peter: provide A11Y document for inclusion in TC webpages
    - ongoing
    4. SC Status Reports
    (DavidW) latest draft of formula spec. includes formula syntax. Open 
    issues are marked up in the document itself as todo-items
    please look through the document and review the syntax...
    (Michael) should we set a due date for the review?
    (DavidW) two weeks would be good [Aug 21st]
    we need people who can work on the function definitions
    (Rob) is the review only for chapter 5 (syntax)?
    (DavidW) Yes, only chapter 5.
    (Rob) what about types?
    (David) we are happy to accept comments on any part of the document but 
    please concentrate on chapter 5 for now
    5. Chair of A11Y SC
    (Michael) Nathaniel has resigned as chair of the A11Y committee. The SC 
    has proposed that Peter and Rich as new co-chairs. Are there any 
    objections from the TC to Peter and Rich chairing the A11Y SC?
    - no objections -
    Peter Korn and Richard Schwerdtfeger to chair the A11Y SC.
    (Rob) does the A11Y SC need a new charter now that the original 
    deliverables have been done?
    ACTION: Michael to discuss SC charter with Peter and Rich and work
    on possible re-chartering
    6. Metadata
    - done with use cases
    - working on requirements
    7. Other Topics
    (Michael) SC chairs should update their road maps so we can start to 
    synchronize SC work with upcoming specification releases.
    road maps should cover at least deliverables for the next 6 month.
    There is some feedback WRT change-tracking. I will add this to the next 
    8. New Action Items:
    ACTION: Michael to discuss SC charter with Peter and Rich and work
    on possible re-chartering
    9. Next Conference Call
    work call: 2006-08-14, 3:00PM-4:00PM UTC

  • 2.  Re: [office] OpenDocument TC Coordination Call Minutes 2006-08-07

    Posted 08-21-2006 18:58
    Hi Lars, Mary, gang,
    In the 7Aug06 minutes, you note the action item:
    > 3. Action Items
    > ...
    > Peter: provide A11Y document for inclusion in TC webpages
    > - ongoing
    The A11Y SC is working on a detailed Accessibility Guide, which we hope 
    to deliver a draft of next month, and a final "1.0" edition by 
    December.  However, we did provide a very simple "something is coming" 
    document, which I thought was going to be put on the TC site - 
    specifically to be located at: 
    http://docs.oasis-open.org/office/office-accessibility/guidelines which 
    is the location referenced in Appendix E section E.4 of the ODF 1.1 
    draft specification. 
    Unfortunately there is still nothing at that location, so anyone 
    following the link the 1.1 draft spec. will get an error.  Attached is 
    the message I sent with the "coming soon" HTML.  Could you help me get 
    this onto 
    http://docs.oasis-open.org/office/office-accessibility/guidelines ?