1. Roll call:
Yue Ma, IBM
Helen Yue, IBM
Patric Durusau
David Faure, KDE
Jody Goldberg, Novell
Florian Reueter, Novell
Michael Brauer, Sun Microsystems
Lars Oppermann, Sun Microsystems
Eike Rathke, Sun Microsystems
David A Wheeler, OpenDocument Foundation
Bruce D'Arcus, OpenDocument Foundation
Gary Edwards, OpenDocument Foundation
2. Acceptance of Minutes from Last Call
The attending TC members unanimously accepted the minutes from the last
coordination call.
3. Action item review
- no pending action items
4. TC Schedule
Michael: we already discussed that we would like to start an hour
earlier when we are not an daylight savings time as the time is not
changed in China. Hence I move that we now resolve to do so...
- no objection
RESOLUTION: start calls an hour earlier when not on daylight savings time
5. ISO Submission
Michael: we requested the OASIS standard ballot for ODF 1.1 and we were
now asked whether we intend to put 1.1 forward for ISO standartization
as well. We had already discussed that we would like to get 1.2 through
ISO but that we do not see the need to do so with 1.1
Patrick: this would not be any problem with the ISO process. We should
indicate to them, that 1.2 is already in the pipeline and that it will
include all the features of 1.1 just to keep them in the loop
6. ODF 1.2 Tasks
- Bullet list with constant strings and 'alternative glyphs' will be
handled by DavidF and Lars will provide coordination with OpenOffice team
- Citation field: should this remain as it is now, or should it be
adapted with regards to the work of the metadata SC? (Bruce)
- Numbered paragraphs: DavidF + Florian
Florian: posted my thoughts to the mailing list and have already been
discussing with DavidF...
- Degrees/radients/gradients (DavidW)
DavidW: we should at least specify which units angle measurements are
in. We should ideally harmonize all angle measurements to use the same units
- Settings interop: Michael + DavidF
Patrick: regarding "pp" in indexes, I am not sure whether that is just a
bad example or a mistake in the specification
Lars: it could be a wrong translation of German ff which is used like
45ff meaning "45 and following pages"
Bruce: ff is also used in English, although that is not very common. I
know "pp" only as a prefix as in "pp. 45-50" to reference a page range
Lars: so its not currently clear whether this is locale specific or
style-specific or both, right?
Michael: I will try to get some more information from the Writer team
7. SC Update
Formula (DavidW)
- still working on specification of function but done with the majority
- more hands to help with the remaining functions are welcome
- currently lots of discussions about concepts and meaning of empty cells
8. Next Meeting:
Work TC Call on Monday, November the 27th, at 7am PT (3pm GMT).
Lars Oppermann