Greetings! Catching up, to some degree at least with the admin side of things! Minutes for June 6, 13, 20 and 27th are attached. Should have the agenda out for our 11 July 2016 teleconference tomorrow. Hope everyone is having a great week! Patrick -- Patrick Durusau Technical Advisory Board, OASIS (TAB) OpenDocument Format TC (OASIS), Project Editor ISO/IEC 26300 Co-Editor 13250-5 (Topic Maps) Another Word For It (blog): Homepage: Twitter: patrickDurusau ODF-TC-Minutes-06-June-2016 1. Dial-In, Roll Call, Determination of Quorum and Voting Rights +Thorsten Behrens +Andreas Guelzow +Regina Henschel +Darrin House +Aarti Nankani +Micahel Stahl +Patrick Duruasu Names of voting members preceded by "+" Voting members 7 out of 10 - 70% 70 percent quorum 2. Motion (simple majority): Approve the Agenda Consent - agenda approved. 3. Motion (simple majority): Approve the Minutes from former TC calls - Pending: 25-April-2016 02-May-2016 09-May-2016 23-May-2016 4. Action Items: Will be updated. 5. Notice of Commits (Questions/Discussions welcome) First Notice None at time of posting. 6. JIRA Issues for discussion: Continue: JIRA-Issues-ODF-TC-09May2016.ods 7. New comments on the comments list since last TC call 2 new comments by Eike Rathke: DCOUNT and DCOUNTA Field argument can be omitted Consent - New issue for ODF 1.3 DAYS360 third parameter should be Logical Consent - New issue for ODF 1.3 Office-2390 Consent to deprecation - Office-2390 Office-2393 Patrick: draw name is presented to the user Patrick: but name must not have a comma in the name as it is a separator Patrick: for future version, should references to <draw:page> be by xml:id rather than draw:name Patrick: but draw:name is preserved for display Patrick: xml:ids are not fixed at the moment, defer the xml:id aspects - Consent: insert comment on no commas in names Office-2409 Patrick: LibreOffice - has compiled and encrypted source for a script - no sure how stored - Patrick: may need note to warn about use of links to external script code 3.13 <office:script> Consent to set Office-2409 to ODF-Later Office-2420 Patrick: If help-message can have more than one paragraph, then the paragraph can have different languages - set to ODF-Later Consent to set Office-2420 to ODF-Later Office-2464 Patrick: Shahl - could introduce compatibility problems for no gain Consent to close office-2464 Office-2465 Michael Stahl: Consent to close Office-2465 Office-2502 Patrick: Question of display to the user and not capturing the information in the file format Consent to close Office-2502 Office-2516 Consent to close Office-2516 8. Next meeting: 2016-06-13 at 14:30 UTC. 9. Adjournment 9. Adjournment Patrick: 7 out of 10 - quorum Patrick: consent on agenda Patrick: take Eike's first Patrick: consent DCOUNT and DCOUNTA as new JIRA - ODF 1.3 Patrick: consent on DAYS360 proposal - new JIRA issue - ODF 1.3 Patrick: Patrick: Patrick: consent to deprecation in office-2390 anonymous morphed into Thorsten Patrick: draw name is presented to the user Patrick: but name must not have a comma in the name as it is a separator Patrick: for future version, should references to <draw:page> be by xml:id rather than draw:name Patrick: but draw:name is preserved for display Patrick: xml:ids are not fixed at the moment, defer the xml:id aspects - Patrick: insert comment on no commas in names Patrick: Patrick: LibreOffice - has compiled and encrypted source for a script - no sure how stored - Patrick: may need note to warn about use of links to external script code 3.13 <office:script> Patrick: consent to set to ODF-Later Patrick: Patrick: If help-message can have more than one paragraph, then the paragraph can have different languages - set to ODF-Later Patrick: Patrick: Shahl - could introduce compatibility problems for no gain Patrick: consent to close office-2464 Patrick: Michael Stahl: Patrick: consent to close Patrick: Patrick: Question of display to the user and not capturing the information in the file format Patrick: consent to close Patrick: Patrick: consent to close ODF-TC-Minutes-13-June-2016 1. Dial-In, Roll Call, Determination of Quorum and Voting Rights +Andreas Guelzow +Regina Henschel +Micahel Stahl +Andras Timar +Jos van den Oever +Patrick Duruasu Names of voting members preceded by "+" Voting members 6 out of 10 - 60% 60 percent quorum 2. Motion (simple majority): Approve the Agenda Consent - agenda approved 3. Motion (simple majority): Approve the Minutes from former TC calls - Pending: 25-April-2016 02-May-2016 09-May-2016 23-May-2016 4. Action Items: Will be updated. 5. Notice of Commits (Questions/Discussions welcome) First Notice None at time of posting. 6. JIRA Issues for discussion: JIRA-Issues-13June2016.ods Office-2523 Consent to set Office-2523 to ODF 1.3 Office-2529 Consent to close Office-2529 Office-2536 Consent to close Office-2536 Office-2546 Patrick: Libre Office, can see the document when editing a presentation but won't play properly. Patrick: by Regina Patrick: Regina - keep for 1.3 and when working on it, deprecate and point to other elements Consent to ODF 1.3, deprecate, point to other elements Office-2558 Consent to ODF 1.3, handle first part by adding it to hasPart and reject the second part due to security considerations Office-2559 Patrick: Not an issue unless and until we create another version of an existing namespace, so close. Consent to close Office-2559 Office-2571 Patrick: multi-user editing results in multiple cursor positions, currently pt 1, 3.11 says cursor is set by PI. Jos - proposes to close. Consent to closing Office-2571 7. Next meeting: 2016-06-20 at 14:30 UTC. 9. Adjournment Patrick: 6 out of 10 Patrick: agenda by consent Patrick: Patrick: consent to set to ODF 1.3 - Patrick: Patrick: consent to close Office-2529 Patrick: Patrick: consent to close Office-2536 Patrick: Patrick: Libre Office, can see the document when editing a presentation but won't play properly. Patrick: by Regina Patrick: Regina - keep for 1.3 and when working on it, deprecate and point to other elements Patrick: Patrick: handle first part by adding it to hasPart and reject the second part due to security considerations Patrick: Patrick: Not an issue unless and until we create another version of an existing namespace, so close. Patrick: Patrick: multi-user editing results in multiple cursor positions, currently pt 1, 3.11 says cursor is set by PI. Jos - proposes to close. Patrick: consent to closing Office-2571 ODF-TC-Minutes-20-June-2016 1. Dial-In, Roll Call, Determination of Quorum and Voting Rights +Thorsten Behrens +Regina Henschel +Darrin House +Aarti Nankani +Micahel Stahl +Jos van den Oever +Patrick Duruasu Names of voting members preceded by "+" Voting members 7 out of 10 - 70% 70 percent quorum 2. Motion (simple majority): Approve the Agenda Consent to agenda 3. Motion (simple majority): Approve the Minutes from former TC calls - Pending: 25-April-2016 02-May-2016 09-May-2016 23-May-2016 4. Action Items: Will be updated. 5. Notice of Commits (Questions/Discussions welcome) First Notice None at time of posting. 6. New Comment Issues: Eike Rathke - WEEKDAY function to support additional type argument values Regina - need to hear what numeric is doing but yes for 1.3 Consent to create new issue and set to ODF 1.3 6. JIRA Issues for discussion: JIRA-Issues-13June2016.ods Office-2572 Patrick: Michael proposes to close 2572 Consent to close Office-2572 Office-2574 Patrick: Possibly append the schema to 1.3 and normatively cite our copy? Patrick: Michael, do we need this one at all? Except for needing the RELAX NG schema. Validators could use it to validate ODF documents. Patrick: currently - dsig namespace - allows anything - Jos van den Oever: Patrick: or we could write the RELAX NG Consent to fix in ODF 1.3 - Jos van den Oever: proposal: make OpenDocument-v1.2-os-dsig-schema.rng more precise with chapter 5 of part 3 Office-2576 Consent to: the proposed <text:meta-get> field is possible for ODF-Later but the rest requires no action. Office-2577 Consent to flat file storage of RDF set for ODF 1.3 Office-2599 Consent to 2599 in ODF 1.3 Office-2600 Patrick: Need to avoid hard coded file names in terms of defining content Consent to set Office-2600 to ODF 1.3 Office-2622 Consent to ODF-Later - Office-2633 Patrick: Patrick - action item to follow up with OASIS on Office-2633 Office-2655 Consent to ODF 1.3 - need to resolve the shall or not issue - cautious agreement on "may" - when up for review, have security people look at it - 7. Next meeting: 2016-06-27 at 14:30 UTC. 9. Adjournment Patrick: part 2, 6.10.20 WEEKDAY Patrick: types 1, 2 and 3 Patrick: Regina - need to hear what numeric is doing. but yes for 1.3 Patrick: Need to create new issues, etc. Patrick: Jos van den Oever: hello, sorry for being late Patrick: Michael proposes to close 2572 Patrick: consent to close 2572 Thorsten: quite Patrick: Patrick: Possibly append the schema to 1.3 and normatively cite our copy? Patrick: Michael, do we need this one at all? Except for needing the RELAX NG schema. Validators could use it to validate ODF documents. Patrick: currently - dsig namespace - allows anything - Jos van den Oever: Patrick: or we could write the RELAX NG Patrick: consent to fix in ODF 1.3 - chapter 5 of part 3 and write our own RELAX-NG - instead of linking to W3C - make it more precise - Jos van den Oever: proposal: make OpenDocument-v1.2-os-dsig-schema.rng more precise with chapter 5 of part 3 Patrick: Patrick: consent to: the proposed <text:meta-get> field is possible for ODF-Later but the rest requires no action. Patrick: Patrick: Consent to flat file storage of RDF set for ODF 1.3 Patrick: Patrick: Consent to 2599 in ODF 1.3 Patrick: Patrick: Need to avoid hard coded file names in terms of defining content Patrick: consent to set 2600 to ODF 1.3 Patrick: Patrick: consent to ODF-Later - Patrick: Patrick: Patrick - action item to follow up with OASIS on Office-2633 Patrick: Patrick: consent to ODF 1.3 - need to resolve the shall or not issue - cautious agreement on "may" - when up for review, have security people look at it - ODF-TC-Minutes-27-June-2016 1. Dial-In, Roll Call, Determination of Quorum and Voting Rights +Regina Henschel +Aarti Nankani +Micahel Stahl +Jos van den Oever +Patrick Duruasu Names of voting members preceded by "+" Voting members 5 out of 8 - 62% 62 percent quorum 2. Motion (simple majority): Approve the Agenda 3. Motion (simple majority): Approve the Minutes from former TC calls - Pending: 25-April-2016 - attached. 02-May-2016 09-May-2016 23-May-2016 4. Action Items: Will be updated. 5. Notice of Commits (Questions/Discussions welcome) First Notice None at time of posting. 6. New Comment Issues: None at the time of posting the agenda 7. JIRA Issues for discussion: JIRA-Issues-13June2016.ods Office-2667 Patrick: Michael - would change the nature of the package - Jos agrees - full URL can be in the content XML - Regina - would need a schema to go outside of it Consent to close Office-2667 without further action - makes notes of why rejected -- Manifest is there to refer to things in the zip file so should not refer to things outside the zip file Office-2703 Patrick: Jos says would be useful for exchange between applications on the same desktop Patrick: Regina describes what Libre Office stores in the clipboard Patrick: Jos - what part of the text is being copied? Patrick: How to communicate copying a couple of cells to the clipboard? Patrick: Putting entire ODF file in the clipboard but only one cell is in the selection Patrick: Behavior of gnumeric - need to investigate Patrick: what is the unit name for what is put into the clipboard? Jos van den Oever: The issue 2703 requests that an identifier is specified in ODF on how information in ODF format should be called in the operating system clipboard. Jos van den Oever: such an identifier is similar to a mimetype Consent to Office-2702 for ODF 1.3 and incorporate these notes with the issue Office-2706 Consent to close Office-2706 Office-2735 Patrick: check Office-2735, Office-2737 applied? check and report back Patrick: Regina Henschel: check Office-2735, Office-273*6* applied? check and report back Patrick: Office-2737 -> Office-2726 Patrick: office-2706 - already applied in 1.2 Consent to Office-2737 for ODF 1.3 - index to all implementation dependent - Office-2949 Regina Henschel: Regina Henschel: Patrick: can use pictures to illustrate what is meant - and make references to standards Patrick: Include links with this issue - for use on this issue Consent to set Office-2949 to ODF-1.3 Office-3005 Consent - Set Office-3005 for ODF 1.3 - may need to improve figure 2 Office-3008 Consent to close office-3008 8. Next meeting: 2016-07-11 at 14:30 UTC. 9. Adjournment Patrick: 5 of 8 - 62% Patrick: consent to agenda Patrick: Patrick: Michael - would change the nature of the package - Jos agrees - full URL can be in the content XML - Regina - would need a schema to go outside of it Patrick: consent to close without further action - makes notes of why rejected Patrick: Manifest is there to refer to things in the zip file so should not refer to things outside the zip file Patrick: Patrick: Jos says would be useful for exchange between applications on the same desktop Patrick: Regina describes what Libre Office stores in the clipboard Patrick: Jos - what part of the text is being copied? Patrick: How to communicate copying a couple of cells to the clipboard? Patrick: Putting entire ODF file in the clipboard but only one cell is in the selection Patrick: Behavior of gnumeric - need to investigate Patrick: what is the unit name for what is put into the clipboard? Jos van den Oever: The issue 2703 requests that an identifier is specified in ODF on how information in ODF format should be called in the operating system clipboard. Jos van den Oever: such an identifier is similar to a mimetype Patrick: consent to Office-2702 for ODF 1.3 and incorporate these notes with the issue Patrick: Patrick: consent to close Patrick: consent to close Office-2706 Patrick: Patrick: check Office-2735, Office-2737 applied? check and report back Patrick: Regina Henschel: check Office-2735, Office-273*6* applied? check and report back Patrick: Office-2737 -> Office-2726 Patrick: office-2706 - already applied in 1.2 Patrick: consent to Office-2737 for ODF 1.3 - index to all implementation dependent - Patrick: Regina Henschel: Regina Henschel: Patrick: can use pictures to illustrate what is meant - and make references to standards Patrick: Include links with this issue - for use on this issue Patrick: Consent to set Office-2949 to ODF-1.3 Patrick: Patrick: Set Office-3005 for ODF 1.3 - may need to improve figure 2 Patrick: Patrick: consent to close office-3008 Patrick: Next meeting - July 11, 2016 Attachment: signature.asc Description: OpenPGP digital signature