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  • 1.  Updating "Affects Version" field of some ODF 1.2 JIRA issues

    Posted 09-21-2010 08:59
    just some nit-picking:
    I adjusted the "Affects Version" field of issues which were in table 
    "ODF 1.2, unresolved, affects pre ODF 1.2 CD05 version, no ODF Next" on 
    the "ODF 1.2 CD05 dashboard" and are submitted during public review of 
    ODF 1.2 from "ODF 1.2 Part 1 CD 5" to "ODF 1.2 CD 05".
    Thus, these issues now are showing up in table "ODF 1.2 CD05 (Unresolved 
    and not ODF-Next)".
    We introduced version "ODF 1.2 Part 1 CD 5" before we decided to create 
    version "ODF 1.2 CD 05" instead.
    We never had version "ODF 1.2 Part 1 CD 5". Thus, no issue can affect 
    this version.
    Best regards, Oliver.
    ORACLE http://www.oracle.com
    Oliver-Rainer Wittmann | Oracle Open Office and ODF Standardization
    Phone: +49 40 23646 500
    Oracle Office GBU
    ORACLE Deutschland B.V. & Co. KG | Nagelsweg 55 | 20097 Hamburg
    ORACLE Deutschland B.V. & Co. KG
    Hauptverwaltung: Riesstr. 25, D-80992 München
    Registergericht: Amtsgericht München, HRA 95603
    Komplementärin: ORACLE Deutschland Verwaltung B.V.
    Rijnzathe 6, 3454PV De Meern, Niederlande
    Handelsregister der Handelskammer Midden-Niederlande, Nr. 30143697
    Geschäftsführer: Jürgen Kunz, Marcel van de Molen, Alexander van der Ven

  • 2.  Re: [office] Updating "Affects Version" field of some ODF 1.2 JIRA issues

    Posted 09-21-2010 12:23
    I wonder if this would simplify things:
    Take all ODF-Next issues and market then resolved as "defer".  This will 
    get them off of the main page, since these issues will all be resolved 
    according to JIRA.
    Then the front page in JIRA (Project Summary) will be accurate and we 
    don't need to chase around all these complex filters and dashboards. 
    Anything not resolved is something we need to look at for 1.2.  Very 
    Then, after we have a Committee Specification approved, we take all of the 
    ODF-Next issues and reopen them, so they are all back under consideration 
    by the TC.  I'm waving my hands on this step.

  • 3.  Re: [office] Updating "Affects Version" field of some ODF 1.2 JIRAissues

    Posted 09-21-2010 14:34
    robert_weir@us.ibm.com wrote:
    > I wonder if this would simplify things:
    > Take all ODF-Next issues and market then resolved as "defer".  This will 
    > get them off of the main page, since these issues will all be resolved 
    > according to JIRA.
    +1. That sounds like a good idea.
    > Then the front page in JIRA (Project Summary) will be accurate and we 
    > don't need to chase around all these complex filters and dashboards. 
    > Anything not resolved is something we need to look at for 1.2.  Very 
    > simply.
    > Then, after we have a Committee Specification approved, we take all of the 
    > ODF-Next issues and reopen them, so they are all back under consideration 
    > by the TC.  I'm waving my hands on this step.
    > -Rob
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    Michael Brauer | Oracle Office Development
    Phone: +49 40 23646 500
    Oracle Office GBU
    ORACLE Deutschland B.V. & Co. KG | Nagelsweg 55 | 20097 Hamburg
    ORACLE Deutschland B.V. & Co. KG
    Hauptverwaltung: Riesstr. 25, D-80992 München
    Registergericht: Amtsgericht München, HRA 95603
    Komplementärin: ORACLE Deutschland Verwaltung B.V.
    Rijnzathe 6, 3454PV De Meern, Niederlande
    Handelsregister der Handelskammer Midden-Niederlande, Nr. 30143697
    Geschäftsführer: Jürgen Kunz, Marcel van de Molen, Alexander van der Ven