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Subject: Re: [office] OpenDocument TC Meeting Agenda July 18th, 2005
Regrets - I will be making a presentation at GML days during the call
next week. Should be able to attend the following week.
Best wishes
Michael Brauer wrote:
>OpenDocument TC
>Agenda Phone Conference July 18, 2005
>The OpenDocument Technical Committee will have its next
>meeting on Monday, July the 18th, at 8am PDT (3pm GMT).
>The teleconference phone number can be found at the TC's web page at
>Please notify the TC mailing list if you are not able to attent to the
>con call, so that the con call can be moved if necessary.
>Time (PDT) Topic
>---------- -----
>8:00-8:05 Roll Call
>8:05-8:10 Approval of last meeting's minutes, action item review
>8:10-8:55 Discussion
> - XMP
> - database proposal
> - join-border proposal
>8:55-9:00 New Action-Item Review
>Best regards
>To unsubscribe from this mail list, you must leave the OASIS TC that
>generates this mail. You may a link to this group and all your TCs in OASIS
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