OASIS Open Document Format for Office Applications (OpenDocument) TC

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TC name: proposal for name change

  • 1.  TC name: proposal for name change

    Posted 12-23-2004 12:45
     MHonArc v2.5.0b2 -->

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    Subject: TC name: proposal for name change

    Dear TC members,
    when we discussed and agreed the new specification name, we also
    discussed that it might be reasonable to change the TC name, but agreed
    to concentrate on the standardization process first. Therefor, we moved
    the TC name change to a later phase. However, Mary McRae pointed out to
    me that we run into problems with the "tc:opendocument" ids contained in
    our namespace URIs if we don't change our TC name before we submit our
    committee draft for standardization, because the namespace URIs must
    match the TC name. I therefor would like to propose to change our TC's
    name to
    OASIS Open Document Format for Office Applications (OpenDocument) TC
    This name does not only match our specification name, but also uses the
    same name pattern as many other TC's (like UBL or XACL), that also have
    a more or less long and verbose name with a short name in parenthesis.
    As an option, we could also revert our namespace URIs to contain
    "tc:openoffice" again. However, this would not only mean that the
    namespace URIs don't match to the specification name, but also that the
    namespace URIs would change again if we agree on a TC name change after
    the standardization of our specification. For these reasons, changing
    the TC name now seems to be a much better option, at least for me.
    Best regards, and a happy holidays season.

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