* Roll call
Robert Weir, IBM
Helen Yue, IBM
Ma Yue, IBM
David Faure, KDE
Michael Brauer, Sun Microsystems
Eike Rathke, Sun Microsystems
Bruce D'Arcus, OpenDocument Foundation
Gary Edwards, OpenDocument Foundation
* Minutes from last coordination call
The attending TC members unanimously accepted the minutes from the last
* action items
Michael - follow up on document settings, in progress
Rob - design principles, backwards compatibility, in progress
* status update
ODF 1.2 pre-draft3 has been uploaded
* comment tracking
Rob and Patrick have proposed a lightweight comment tracking process. See
They further volunteered to establish this process, and to take over the
task of tracking the comments.
The attending TC members unanimously accepted that Rob and Patrick take
over these roles.
* proposals
The TC unanimously agreed to the following proposals:
- Chart range addresses:
- Text Clarification for widows
The following proposal was discussed
- Chart Data Label Auto Position
An alternative approach has been suggested by David Faure:
For that reason, the original proposal has been withdrawn. David will
work on the details of the alternative proposal.
* Interop TC/SC
The idea of an interop TC/SC was discussed. One idea that was discussed
was that it may analyze the specification similar to what the A11y SC
did to come up with some recommendations. Other ideas were defining
profiles or recommendation for the use of micro-formats.
The time when ODF 1.2 is finished was identified as a possible starting
point for an interoperability TC or SC.
The discussion was adjourned.
Michael Brauer
OpenDocument TC Chair
Michael Brauer, Technical Architect Software Engineering
Sun Microsystems GmbH Nagelsweg 55
D-20097 Hamburg, Germany michael.brauer@sun.com
http://sun.com/staroffice +49 40 23646 500
Sitz der Gesellschaft: Sun Microsystems GmbH, Sonnenallee 1,
D-85551 Kirchheim-Heimstetten
Amtsgericht Muenchen: HRB 161028
Geschaeftsfuehrer: Marcel Schneider, Wolfgang Engels, Dr. Roland Boemer
Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrates: Martin Haering