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RE: ISO/IEC 26300 (spec publication details)

  • 1.  RE: ISO/IEC 26300 (spec publication details)

    Posted 10-03-2006 19:54
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    provfile_e.pdf   453 KB 1 version

  • 2.  Re: [office] RE: ISO/IEC 26300 (spec publication details)

    Posted 10-05-2006 06:53
    there are no links between the ODT, PDF and HTML versions of the 
    specification. Therefore, their names can be adapted.
    The HTML file actually is a ZIP file, which contains again files whose names 
    exceed 30 characters. It is may understanding that this is not an issue, but 
    if it is an issue, we have to adapt the HTML file contained in the ZIP file.
    I hope this helps.
    James Bryce Clark wrote:
    > Hello colleagues:
    >    This morning I received the message below from ISO's publications
    > editing managers, who also handle publication processing for JTC1.
    > Others received a copy due to their JTC1 capacities. I am forwarding
    > this to you to advise you and permit reactions, if anyone has them,
    > in the next 24-48 hours, before we respond.
    >    I will coordinate our proposed response with Michael B. as TC chair
    > and Patrick D. as co-editor, and provide a copy to this list.
    >    Kind regards Jamie

  • 3.  Re: [office] RE: ISO/IEC 26300 (spec publication details)

    Posted 10-05-2006 22:50
       Thank you Michael, and mt apologies for bothering you during a 
    vacation.  The ISO/JTC1 production rules requiring some changes to 
    their production file-names for IS 26300 do seem odd.  However, 
    given that there are no negative consequences to the spec itself, if 
    we accept their method, it seems likely that our fastest path will 
    be to allow them to proceed as they wish.  Speed probably is a 
    useful virtue here.  Regards Jamie
    Michael Brauer - Sun Germany - ham02 - Hamburg wrote:
    > Jamie,
    > there are no links between the ODT, PDF and HTML versions of the
    > specification. Therefore, their names can be adapted. The HTML
    > file actually is a ZIP file, which contains again files whose 
    > names exceed 30 characters. It is may understanding that this is
    > not an issue, but if it is an issue, we have to adapt the HTML
    > file contained in the ZIP file.
    > I hope this helps.
    > Michael
    > James Bryce Clark wrote:
    >> Hello colleagues:
    >>    This morning I received the message below from ISO's 
    >> publications editing managers, who also handle publication 
    >> processing for JTC1. * * *