OASIS Open Document Format for Office Applications (OpenDocument) TC

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Re: OASIS OpenDocument: Conformance & Interoperability

  • 1.  Re: OASIS OpenDocument: Conformance & Interoperability

    Posted 03-04-2005 19:16
     MHonArc v2.5.0b2 -->

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    Subject: Re: OASIS OpenDocument: Conformance & Interoperability

    Hi all,

    I did have a chance to chat with Andy Moir.  He's working on developing a "Conformance & Interoperability" model for OASIS.  His effort seemingly includes many if not most of  the issues involved with our "Logo & Compliance" concerns.

    Andy has asked to join our Monday Conference Call to explain his approach to developing a model that would apply to the broad spectrum of TC efforts.  He also wants to discuss our Logo & Compliance concerns in that larger context.  Is it possible to get Andy on the Monday Agenda?  (March 07, 2005)    If the TC can agree to this i'll send Andy the Conference Call information he needs to join us.

    Regarding the ORACLE request for modifications that enable them to implement OpenDocument as a replacement for .pdf, I will be meeting
    with Yves Perrenoud today, (Friday March 04).  Yves is the lead on the ORACLE Collaboration Suite project.  Hopefully i can convince him to submit a requirements statement.  Maybe even join the TC :)

    Thanks for the consideration,

    Andy Moir
    412-213-0338 Work
    978-761-1648 Cell (New #)