OASIS Open Document Format for Office Applications (OpenDocument) TC

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  • 1.  Topics for 2nd TC phase

    Posted 01-19-2004 14:40
     MHonArc v2.5.0b2 -->

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    Subject: Topics for 2nd TC phase

    Dear TC members,
    dear TC observers,
    the Open Office TC is currently reaching the end of its first phase,
    that is about a base specification for office documents. The TC has
    finished the discussions about the specification and schema itself and
    is now preparing the specification and schema documents.
    When this first TC phase is finished, the TC will start a 2nd phase,
    that is about extending the base specification to encompass additional
    areas of applications or users. Please check the TC's charter at
    for details about the 2nd TC phase.
    The TC members have already collected some topics that might be
    discussed in 2nd TC phase. These topics are
    - Security features (for instance digital signatures)
    - Form features (for instance support of XForms functionality)
    - Integration of user defined schemes
    - Enhanced bibliography features
    In a ddition to these larger topics, the TC members have collected a few
    smaller topics during the first TC phase that they would like to discuss
    in the 2nd TC phase. A list of these topics can be found in the
    following mail:
    Please note that all these topics currently are suggestions only. The TC
    did not make any decisions so far what actually will be discussed in the
    2nd TC phase, nor about a certain order in which the topics will be
    discussed. So if you have additional topics that are related to office
    documents and match the TC's charter, or if you have interest in one of
    the above topics, please let the TC know this. Please send you
    suggestions either using the TC's comment form available at
    or to the TC's mailing list directly, if you are allowed to do so.
    Best regards
    Michael Brauer
    OASIS Open Office TC chair

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