OASIS Open Document Format for Office Applications (OpenDocument) TC

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  • 1.  re: I guess this is goodbye, and good luck

    Posted 05-15-2007 23:45
    Bruce, all,
    First, I share your disappointment that you were not made aware of the
    ongoing dialogue asking the OpenDocument Foundation to comply with OASIS'
    long-standing membership rules.  I've heard from several Foundation
    representatives that you did not have the benefit of knowing of the ongoing
    conversation, so expect an update to my earlier message.
    That said; allow me to alert you to another detail that may not be aware
    of-- Our fee-waived membership program.
    Your Chair can request a fee waived membership for folks who are making
    necessary contributions and who are not able to fund their membership.  See
    http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/liaison_policy.php#fee-wavedgrants for
    Please know that all member organizations are expected to be represented by
    only employees.  Knowing that non-profits represent a wide variety of
    constituents who may have an interest in OASIS work--but no qualified
    staff-- we allow them to designate 2 representatives. See
    You should also consider the benefits your community receives from this and
    other membership rules, besides the ability to participate.  Our membership
    policies are designed to clearly identify who you are collaborating with,
    whose Intellectual Property is being contributed, which members are agreeing
    to the TC Licensing Terms.  No one wants ODF to be tainted by unknown IP
    contributions or claims, the membership policies protect you from that.
    I hope that helps,
    Scott McGrath
    Senior Director of Member Services
    Tel +1 978-667-5115 x202
    Fax +1 978-667-5114
    Subject: I guess this is goodbye, and good luck
        * From: Bruce D'Arcus 

  • 2.  Re: [office] re: I guess this is goodbye, and good luck

    Posted 05-16-2007 12:12
    Dear TC members,
    I would like to thank all those TC members, that are members of this TC
    on behalf of the OpenDocument Foundation, and that have to leave the TC
    today for reasons outlined by Scott McGrath, for the valuable 
    contributions to the TC. I believe I'm speaking here not only on my own 
    behalf, but also on the behalf of the whole TC. You were very welcome in 
    the TC, and I enjoyed working with you.
    At the same time, I would like to express my hope that many of you may 
    remain members of this TC, either by joining as individual members, or, 
    if eligible, the fee waived membership program that Scott mentioned. But 
    first of all, we should give the OpenDocument Foundation itself the time 
    they need to prepare itself to the new situation.
    Best regards
    Scott McGrath wrote:
    > Bruce, all,
    > First, I share your disappointment that you were not made aware of the
    > ongoing dialogue asking the OpenDocument Foundation to comply with OASIS'
    > long-standing membership rules.  I've heard from several Foundation
    > representatives that you did not have the benefit of knowing of the ongoing
    > conversation, so expect an update to my earlier message.
    > That said; allow me to alert you to another detail that may not be aware
    > of-- Our fee-waived membership program.
    > Your Chair can request a fee waived membership for folks who are making
    > necessary contributions and who are not able to fund their membership.  See
    > http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/liaison_policy.php#fee-wavedgrants for
    > details.
    > Please know that all member organizations are expected to be represented by
    > only employees.  Knowing that non-profits represent a wide variety of
    > constituents who may have an interest in OASIS work--but no qualified
    > staff-- we allow them to designate 2 representatives. See
    > http://www.oasis-open.org/join/membership_faq.php#a19  
    > You should also consider the benefits your community receives from this and
    > other membership rules, besides the ability to participate.  Our membership
    > policies are designed to clearly identify who you are collaborating with,
    > whose Intellectual Property is being contributed, which members are agreeing
    > to the TC Licensing Terms.  No one wants ODF to be tainted by unknown IP
    > contributions or claims, the membership policies protect you from that.
    > I hope that helps,
    > Scott McGrath
    > Senior Director of Member Services
    > Tel +1 978-667-5115 x202
    > Fax +1 978-667-5114
    > scott.mcgrath@oasis-open.org
    > Subject: I guess this is goodbye, and good luck
    >     * From: Bruce D'Arcus 

  • 3.  Re: [office] re: I guess this is goodbye, and good luck

    Posted 05-16-2007 14:17
    On 5/16/07, Michael Brauer