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Subject: [office] Open Office XML Format TC Meeting Agenda September 22, 2003
Open Office XML Format TC
Agenda Phone Conference 22 Sepetmber 2003
The Open Office XML Format Technical Committee will have its next
meeting on Monday, September the 22th, at 8am PDT (3pm GMT).
Please notify the TC mailing list if you are not able to attent to the
con call, so that the con call can be moved if necessary.
The teleconference phone number can be found at the TC's web page at
Attendance to the conference is restricted to members and prospective
members of the committee.
This agenda refers to work packages that are explained in
Time (PDT) Topic
---------- -----
8:00-8:05 Roll Call
8:05-8:10 Approval of last meeting's minutes, action item review
8:05-8:55 Discussion and decisions of:
5.3 Style properties
- Conclude discussion of text and paragraph formatting
- Conclude discussion of graphic formatting
- discuss table properties (4.18 in OOo spec)
8:55-9:00 New Action-Item-Review
In case you have certain issues regarding above topics that you would
like to discuss in the meeting, please announce
them on the TC's mailing list.
Best regards
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