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Subject: Re: [office] document/view settings
On Monday 24 November 2003 15:41, Michael Brauer wrote:
> I've also found out the reason OOo Writer is saving the cursor position
> in x/y document positions: The reason are headers and footers as well as
> repeating table headlines. Since such content might appear more than
> once in a single view, a paragraph/character position wouldn't be
> sufficient
Ah, this is where KWord is different. In case of repeated content, the cursor
is in fact in all those areas at the same time. If you edit the 3rd character
of the table headline, it affects all views of that headline - so the cursor is
in fact in all those headlines at the same time :)
> and even adding a page number would not help, because tables
> might be in columns where the table headline is repeated for every
> column. To avoid problems with these kind of content, and since the view
> setting were considered application specific, the decision was made to
> continue to save the cursor position as x/y position in the document
> view, because these positions are already unique in a document.
How about we save both textframe+parag+index _and_ x/y position?
The x/y position can then be used as a hint in case of multiple matches,
but the primary source of information would be the textframe+parag+index.
David FAURE,, sponsored by Trolltech to work on KDE,
Konqueror (, and KOffice (
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