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  • 1.  table:is-subtable use cases beyond Sudoku

    Posted 07-09-2007 17:57

    We'd like to get some more use cases for table:is-subtable beyond the Sudoku game, use cases that would likely be found in an office document.

    Pete Brunet

    IBM Accessibility Architecture and Development
    11501 Burnet Road, MS 9022E004, Austin, TX 78758
    Voice: (512) 838-4594, TL 678-4594, Fax: (512) 838-9666
    Ionosphere: WS4G

  • 2.  Re: [office] table:is-subtable use cases beyond Sudoku

    Posted 07-09-2007 18:24
    On Mon, 2007-09-07 at 12:56 -0500, Pete Brunet wrote:
    > We'd like to get some more use cases for table:is-subtable beyond the
    > Sudoku game, use cases that would likely be found in an office
    > document. 
    array-valued functions in a spread sheet document. (I realize that there
    is no implementation that uses sub tables for them yet, but it would be
    an appropriate use case.)
    Andreas J. Guelzow, Professor
    Dept. of Mathematical & Computing Sciences
    Concordia University College of Alberta

  • 3.  Re: [office] table:is-subtable use cases beyond Sudoku

    Posted 07-10-2007 23:13

    >array-valued functions in a spread sheet document

    Andreas, I'm not familiar with these.  Can you describe the structure of the table in this use case?

    Pete Brunet

    IBM Accessibility Architecture and Development
    11501 Burnet Road, MS 9022E004, Austin, TX 78758
    Voice: (512) 838-4594, TL 678-4594, Fax: (512) 838-9666
    Ionosphere: WS4G

    "Andreas J. Guelzow" <aguelzow@math.concordia.ab.ca>

    07/09/2007 01:23 PM

    Re: [office] table:is-subtable use cases beyond Sudoku

    On Mon, 2007-09-07 at 12:56 -0500, Pete Brunet wrote:
    > We'd like to get some more use cases for table:is-subtable beyond the
    > Sudoku game, use cases that would likely be found in an office
    > document.

    array-valued functions in a spread sheet document. (I realize that there
    is no implementation that uses sub tables for them yet, but it would be
    an appropriate use case.)


    Andreas J. Guelzow, Professor
    Dept. of Mathematical & Computing Sciences
    Concordia University College of Alberta

  • 4.  Re: [office] table:is-subtable use cases beyond Sudoku

    Posted 07-10-2007 23:13

    >array-valued functions in a spread sheet document

    Andreas, I'm not familiar with these.  Can you describe the structure of the table in this use case?

    Pete Brunet

    IBM Accessibility Architecture and Development
    11501 Burnet Road, MS 9022E004, Austin, TX 78758
    Voice: (512) 838-4594, TL 678-4594, Fax: (512) 838-9666
    Ionosphere: WS4G

    "Andreas J. Guelzow" <aguelzow@math.concordia.ab.ca>

    07/09/2007 01:23 PM

    Re: [office] table:is-subtable use cases beyond Sudoku

    On Mon, 2007-09-07 at 12:56 -0500, Pete Brunet wrote:
    > We'd like to get some more use cases for table:is-subtable beyond the
    > Sudoku game, use cases that would likely be found in an office
    > document.

    array-valued functions in a spread sheet document. (I realize that there
    is no implementation that uses sub tables for them yet, but it would be
    an appropriate use case.)


    Andreas J. Guelzow, Professor
    Dept. of Mathematical & Computing Sciences
    Concordia University College of Alberta