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Subject: Re: [office] Tables for presentations
> Will we disuss the proposal in next week's meeting. I think the
> draft1 is more straight forward in specification point of view.
Michael Brauer is maintaining the agenda. So I CC'ed him in order to ask
him to schedule it. So you like to have a clean OpenDocument spec too ;-)
> Another thing is if it directly leverage the original table spec, will
> table in presentation support all of the specs, such as nest table.
Regarding the OpenDocument format I would say so. However in the current
implementation e.g. Calc spreadsheets do not support
tables in tables either.
I think this very much comes down to the question whether all
OpenDocument processing entities must implement all possible features or
whether it is valid to implement only a common sub set. We already
started a "conformance" discussion in the TC some time ago, but I think
we must continue it. My favorite would be to define a
"feature-subset"(maybe based on the work by Waldo Bastian?) together
with an exhaustive test-suite, such that interoperability between the
different OpenDocument processing entities can be guaranteed.
Michael, may I ask you to re-schedule the "conformance" problem also for
one of the future meetings. I know currently ISO has highest prio...but
hopefully this is solved at some point int the future...
Greetings from Hamburg,
> thx,
> Ma Yue
> *Florian Reuter <Florian.Reuter@Sun.COM>*
> 05/19/2006 06:02 PM
> To
> cc
> Subject
> [office] Tables for presentations
> Hi,
> please find attached two drafts of possible proposals for a table
> feature in presentations.
> The draft tabledraft1.odt describes the incompatible way of frames with
> contain tables.
> The draft tabledraft2.odt describes an alternative, which introduces
> backward compatible table support.
> Best regards,
> Florian
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