Thx to Chris to add the received comments
from the ODF 1.2 Pas Submission to JIRA as individual issues - OFFICE-3865...OFFICE-3872
I had a short look at these JIRA issues
and add corresponding components information.
I am missing one of the comments received
from the ODF 1.2 Pas Submission. The one from NC JP regarding section 5.5
of ODF 1.2, Part 1. It is the second one on document 'ISO_IEC DIS 26300-1_JISC.doc'
which had been provided by Jamie Clark.
Do I have overseen it or is it missing
in JIRA?
Mit freundlichen Grüßen / Best regards
Oliver-Rainer Wittmann
Advisory Software Engineer
IBM Deutschland
Beim Strohhause 17
20097 Hamburg
Phone: +49-40-6389-1415
orwitt@de.ibm.com -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
IBM Deutschland Research & Development GmbH / Vorsitzende
des Aufsichtsrats: Martina Koederitz
Geschäftsführung: Dirk Wittkopp
Sitz der Gesellschaft: Böblingen / Registergericht: Amtsgericht Stuttgart,
HRB 243294
Chris Rae <
robert_weir@us.ibm.com>, OpenDocument TC List <
Jamie Clark <
26.09.2014 04:43
RE: [office]
Notes from SC34/WG6 meeting; Next steps for ISO ODF 1.2
Sent by:
I’ve added these to JIRA
– the titles are my summary of each comment, but the complete comment
text and any proposed resolution is included in the body of the bug.
I left the resolution date
blank for the moment, and logged them as applying to “ODF 1.2”.
office@lists.oasis-open.org [ mailto:
office@lists.oasis-open.org ]
On Behalf Of
robert_weir@us.ibm.com Sent: Thursday, September 25, 2014 21:38
To: OpenDocument TC List
Cc: Jamie Clark
Subject: [office] Notes from SC34/WG6 meeting; Next steps for ISO ODF
We had a teleconference meeting of WG6 last
night (this morning in Japan where SC34 was meeting). Chris Rae and
I attended for the ODF TC. We briefly discussed the results of the
PAS ballot and the next steps.
In summary:
-- We (OASIS as the PAS submittor via the ODF TC) need to write up a response
to each of the comments received, saying what our recommendation is.
Actions might be to fix in an errata (if it fits within the kinds
of changes permitted in OASIS Approved Errata), push off until ODF 1.3
(where more substantive changes can be made), disagree with the comment
altogether, etc. IMHO we should copy each of the comments into JIRA
and resolve them via our normal workflow.
- Once we have such a "disposition of comments report" we would
submit it to SC34, probably via Patrick.
- Then a Ballot Resolution Meeting (BRM) would occur. This could
be a face-to-face meeting or, because the comment list is short, a teleconference.
To me it sounded like a teleconference BRM would be the most convenient.
If anyone has a preference for F2F, speak up now.
- The output of the BRM would be a list of changes to ODF 1.2 that are
agreed on by us and SC34. These changes could then be balloted
in parallel as Approved Errata in OASIS and Corrigenda in SC34.
- SC34 has meeting notification requirements. Scheduling a BRM, including
one conducted via teleconference, requires 2 months notice. So our
initial task is to estimate how long it will take for us to review the
ballot comments, agree on proposed editing instructions and submit this
to SC34. Preparing these proposed editing instructions might require
some back-and-forth if the comments are not perfectly clear. As soon
as we have this estimate we should let SC34 know so they can schedule the