Hi Robert,
On Friday, 2009-07-17 14:42:51 -0400, Robert Weir wrote:
> For open issues, I'd agree. But we said that we would only open JIRA
> issues that were genuine issues. So a "New" JIRA issue that is found to
> be a duplicate, or a discussion chatter, etc., goes directly from New to
> Close states. There are several hundred more like that, and I don't think
> I want to go through the extra steps of opening taking each one through
> the Open and Resolve state changes.
Ah, you can't set a resolution on a New but not Opened issue ... well,
be it.
> That would generate a lot of useless traffic to the list as well.
IMHO the tracker mails should go to a different list anyway. In the
meantime I filter all issue tracker mails to a different folder to be
able to read this list ... poor folks who want to skim the archive.
> > Reason is that closed but unresolved issues still appear in the personal
> > lists of assigned and even open (yes) issues, though not in the global
> > Closed list. It appears that one can change that only by reopening the
> > issue, set a resolution and close it again.
> >
> Hmmm... I see that the Closed issues still remain assigned to a person.
> But that is OK, right?
Sure, that's fine.
> It just indicates the last person who owned the
> issue. You could define a new filter that looks for only ones assigned to
> you in the New or Open states.
Of course I already created a "my Actives" filter ;-)
> The default filter for the front page, when you click on a TC member's
> name shows all issues, regardless of Status, where the Resolution is
> "unresolved".
That's "just" ugly and makes that link useless, but what bothers me is
that they also show up in my "Assigned Open Issues", I could live with
that, but they also show up in
http://tools.oasis-open.org/issues/browse/OFFICE under "Open Issues"
(not the "Project Summary" Open), see Trivial issues for example, which
leaves a completely wrecked impression.
> > If there's another way I would be delighted to know..
> >
> Unfortunately, when I go directly from, New to Close state, JIRA does not
> allow me to set a resolution of any kind. So the issue remains
> "unresolved", even though status is "Closed". This is unfortunately.
I'd call it a bug in JIRA's work flow not being able to set a resolution
when closing a non-open issue (I find it silly that a new issue isn't
open anyway, but ...)
> One thing we can do, once we catch up on the comments, is filter to show
> only Closed/Unresolved issues and then issue a bulk operation to reopen
> the issues, then open them, then resolve then, then close them We have
> 852 currently in the Closed/Unresolved state, so that would result in 3408
> emails to the list. That's not good, but this could be done some
> weekend. But it might be easier to simply redefine the filters on the
> project's home page.
If that's possible it would be best.
OpenOffice.org / StarOffice Calc core developer and i18n transpositionizer.
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