Patrick, Svante I have reviewed the position regarding the resolved issues for which I had previously concluded that the resolutions had not been applied. Office-4007 I don t believe that this issue has been resolved. Please could you both look at this issue and decide whether further discussion in the TC is needed to resolve this. Office-4008 I don t think there s anything to resolve. This is a clone of an old issue that I believe was fixed in ODF 1.2. Office-4022 As pointed out by Andreas in his review, the resolution edit has been applied to the text, but the JIRA issue link is missing in Appendix G. Office-4029 The resolution edit has been applied to the text, but the JIRA issue link is missing in Appendix G. Office-4035 The resolution edit has been applied to the schema. No further action needed. Office-4080 The resolution is to create HTML files from the schema, so this has to wait until all schema changes for ODF 1.4 have been made. Office-4122 This resolution edit has been applied to the text, but the JIRA issue link is missing in Appendix G and no schema change has been made. Reading the JIRA issue, it isn t clear whether both the text and the schema are to be changed, or whether the text change is sufficient. Office-4125 No resolution text as yet, so the resolution has not been applied either to the text or to the schema. Kind regards, Francis From: <> On Behalf Of Francis Cave Sent: 01 October 2022 23:04 To: 'Svante Schubert' <>; 'Patrick Durusau' <> Cc: 'Michael Stahl' <>; 'Regina Henschel' <>; Subject: RE: [office] Greetings from an informal ODF (Sub-)TC Meeting in Milano (aka Regina, Michael and myself) Hi Svante, Patrick Here is a list of the JIRA issues that are resolved and where the resolutions have been applied to the change-tracked working draft of ODF 1.4 in GitHub. Part 2: Office-4088 : manifest:PGPAlgorithm [4.17] I ve just made a minor update to the change in Part 2, to add the word attribute which was missing. In doing so I accidentally pushed a temporary file to odf1.3/os/part2-packages/. I have deleted the temporary file. I have also added text to the Resolution field for this issue in JIRA. Part 3: Office-1909 : <draw:caption> [10.3.11], <draw:text-box> [10.4.3], <draw:annotation> [14.1] Office 2390 : <meta:date-string> [14.3] Office-2949 : <draw:measure> [10.3.12] Office-3005 : draw:wrap-influence-on-position Office-3022 : <draw:page> [10.2.4] Office-3685 : <draw:marker> [16.42.8], draw:marker-end-center [20.147], draw:marker-start-center [20.150] Office-3710 : draw-enhanced-path [19.145] Office-3741 : table:cell-range-address <chart:plot-area> [19.599.6] Office-3751 : fo:break-after [20.187], fo:break-before [20.188] Office-3759 : style:first-page-number [20.269] Office-3761 : <draw:caption> [10.3.11], <draw:circle> [10.3.8], <draw:connector> [10.3.10], <draw:custom-shape> [10.6.1], <draw:ellipse> [10.3.9], <draw:image> [10.4.4], <draw:line> [10.3.3], <draw:measure> [10.3.12], <draw:path> [10.3.7], <draw:polygon> [10.3.5], <draw:polyline> [10.3.4], <draw:rect> [10.3.2], <draw:regular-polygon> [10.3.6] Office-3816 : draw:formula [19.171] Office-3824 : svg:viewBox [19.576] Office-3846 : <style:paragraph-properties> [17.6], text:relative-tab-stop-position [20.439] Office-3936 : <style:chart-properties> [17.22], chart:major-origin [2j0.37], chart:minor-logarithmic [20.38], chart:interval-major [20.28], chart:interval-minor-divisor [20.29] Office-3953 : styhle:first-page-number [20.269]] Office-3997 : fo:line-height [20.207] Office-4004 : <style:style> [16.2] Office-4023 : <presentation:animation-group> [10.8.9], <presentation:animations > [10.8.1], <presentation:dim> [10.8.7], <presentation:hide-shape> [10.8.5], <presentation:hide-text> [10.8.6], <presentation:play> [10.8.8], <presentation:show-shape> [10.8.3], <presentation:show-text> [10.8.4], presentation:delay [19.396], presentation:path-id [19.410] Office-4025 : table:_expression_ [19.641] Office-4026 : draw:enhanced-path [19.145] Office-4027 : draw:enhanced-path [19.145] Office-4033 : <chart:legend> [11.4] Office-4047 : draw-allow-overlap [20.100] Office-4072 : <dr3d:cube> [10.5.4], <dr3d:extrude> [10.5.6], <dr3d:rotate> [10.5.7], <dr3d:scene> [10.5.2], <dr3d:sphere> [10.5.5] Office-4073 : style:vertical-pos [20.401], style:vertical-rel [20.402] Office-4086 : Appendix D Office-4092 : fo:text-indent [19.246] Office-4093 : OpenDocument Document [2.2.1] Office-4101 : form:default-button [19.265] Office-4102 : table:name <table:operation> [19.679.11] Office-4103 : presentation:show-logo Office-4104 : style:num-letter-sync [19.506] Office-4105 : style:margin-gutter[20.322], style:page-usage [19.511] Office-4106 : style:repeat [20.345] Office-4107 : table:data-type [19.617.2], table:operator [19.690], table:search-criteria-must-apply-to-whole-cell [19.713] Office-4108 : <number:num-list-format> [16.29.2], <number:num-list-label> [16.29.3], style:num-list-format-name [19.507] Office-4118 : text:start-value <text:list-level-style-number> [19.876.4], <text:outline-level-style> [19.876.7] Office-4119 : text:main-entry-style-name [19.840], text:style-name <text:index-entry-bibliography> [19.882.10], <text:index-entry-chapter> [19.882.11], <text:index-entry-link-start> [19.882.13], <text:index-entry-link-end> [19.882.12], <text:index-entry-page-number> [19.882.14], <text:index-entry-span> [19.882.15], <text:index-entry-tab-stop> [19.882.16], <text:index-entry-text> [19.882.17], <text:index-entry-template> [19.882.20], <text:linenumbering-configuration> [19.882.21], <text:list-level-style-number> [19.882.23], <text:list-level-style-bullet> [19.882.24], <text:outline-level-style> [19.882.28], <text:ruby-text> [19.882.31] Office-4121 : form:input-required [19.281] Patrick, I note the following editorial issues in Appendix G of Part 3: the entry for <draw:marker> is missing a link to JIRA issue Office-3685; the entries for text:start-value for elements <text:list-level-style-number> and <text:outline-level-style> (issue Office-4118) contain typos in both element names; Part 4: Office-2164 : EASTERSUNDAY [6.10.8] Office-3851 : CONVERT [6.16.18] Office-4001 : ISBLANK [6.13.14], ISFORMULA [6.13.18], ISLOGICAL [6.13.19], ISNONTEXT [6.13.21], ISNUMBER [6.13.22], ISREF [6.13.24], ISTEXT [6.13.25] Office-4094 : DAY [6.10.5], HOUR [6.10.11], MINUTE [6.10.13], MONTH [6.10.14], SECOND [6.10.17], YEAR [6.10.24] Office-4096 : Matrix Functions General [6.5.1] This suggests that the change-tracked working draft contains changes for 45 JIRA issues. However, some of these issues contain no tracked changes at present, because the changes are in the schemas and we have not yet updated generated text from the schemas. This suggests that there are a further 8 issues marked as Resolved (to make a total of 53) that are not yet reflected in the change-tracked specifications. These issues are: Office-4007 Office-4008 Office-4022 Office-4029 Office-4035 Office-4080 Office-4122 Office-4125 I hope this is of some use to you. Kind regards, Francis From: < > On Behalf Of Svante Schubert Sent: 01 October 2022 15:43 To: Francis Cave < >; Patrick Durusau < > Cc: Michael Stahl < >; Regina Henschel < >; Subject: [office] Greetings from an informal ODF (Sub-)TC Meeting in Milano (aka Regina, Michael and myself) Hi Francis, Hi Patrick, we have an informal face2face meeting here in Milano (Italy) aside from the LibreOffice Conference. We were discussing our personal views on the next ODF 1.4 release. Regina suggested having a feature freeze for ODF 1.4, meaning what issue is "resolved" by end of the year makes it into ODF 1.4 otherwise will be postponed. And having a committee draft in January? The first question to you, editors, was: "Is there already an updated draft available?" Regina mentioned that in the TC chat from 2022-09-12 it was said to upload an updated draft, see The ODF 1.4 candidate list is obviously the JIRA query for ODF 1.4 with 90 issues: The query that lists the issues that are already "resolved" are the following 53 issues: We once distributed issues among TC members if they are ready to be resolved. The evaluation emails if issues are possible for ODF 1.4 are the following: What tasks are left? Most of the tasks were discussed, are some still missing? Michael went through the TC emails and notes/minutes and figured out from these issues the following needs to be handled as described: OFFICE-4114 -> was resolved in the meeting but JIRA not updated OFFICE-4073 -> not discussed yet, was a reopen of applied OFFICE-4024 -> was extensively discussed, not easy to resolve ^ this contains a proposed text to replace the current one ^ this has some proposals/ideas but no resolution OFFICE-4120 -> was resolved in the meeting but JIRA not updated Perhaps we can put these items on the agenda of our next TC meeting (10th of October)? Greetings from Italy! Regina, Michael and Svante