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Subject: Spec typo: default value for svg:cy and svg:r in radial gradients
The default value for svg:cx is 50%, but the default value for svg:cy is 5%, obviously a typo.
The default value for svg:r should also be 50%.
--- /home/rwlbuis/office-schema-current.rng 2004-06-11 19:36:51.000000000 -0700
+++ office-schema-current.rng 2004-06-11 19:37:06.000000000 -0700
@@ -11095,7 +11095,7 @@
- <attribute name="svg:cy" a:defaultValue="5%">
+ <attribute name="svg:cy" a:defaultValue="50%">
<ref name="coordinate"/>
<ref name="percent"/>
@@ -11103,7 +11103,7 @@
- <attribute name="svg:r" a:defaultValue="5%">
+ <attribute name="svg:r" a:defaultValue="50%">
<ref name="coordinate"/>
<ref name="percent"/>
David Faure,, sponsored by Trolltech to work on KDE,
Konqueror (, and KOffice (
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