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Proposal: more slide transition effects

  • 1.  Proposal: more slide transition effects

    Posted 05-24-2004 10:11
     MHonArc v2.5.0b2 -->

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    Subject: Proposal: more slide transition effects

    The "presentation:transition-style" attribute in the drawing-page-properties defines the list
    of slide transition effects in a presentation.
    I would like to extend the list of effects to include the following ones:
    * interlocking-horizontal-left
       This is an effect where the new page appears in 4 horizontal stripes,
        (i.e. the height is divided in 4, a bit like in the horizontal-stripes effect)
       but those stripes come from left, right, left, and right, and cross each other 
       in the middle of the screen. (It's all a bit difficult to describe, easier is to
       see it in KPresenter :)
    * interlocking-horizontal-right
       Same thing but the stripes come from right, left, right, left.
    * interlocking-vertical-top
    * interlocking-vertical-bottom
       Same thing, vertically
    * fly-away
       This is a rather funny effect where the current slide first reduces itself to
       a smaller size (while remaining centered in the screen), and then "flies away"
       (turns around a bit and moves to the bottomright corner of the screen).
       The next slide appears under it meanwhile.
    * open-both-directions (or just "open"?)
       Combination of open-horizontal and open-vertical, i.e. a sort of + sign opening
    * close-both-directions (or just "close"?)
       Same thing for closing
    * melt
       Small vertical stripes move down at random speed, which gives the effect
       of the current page "melting down".
    David Faure, faure@kde.org, sponsored by Trolltech to work on KDE,
    Konqueror (http://www.konqueror.org), and KOffice (http://www.koffice.org).

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