OASIS Open Document Format for Office Applications (OpenDocument) TC

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Agenda for ODF Teleconference - 22 February 2016 - Remember, NO Meeting on 15 February 2016.

  • 1.  Agenda for ODF Teleconference - 22 February 2016 - Remember, NO Meeting on 15 February 2016.

    Posted 02-09-2016 00:18
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    -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 Dear TC members, Below you find a draft agenda for our TC call on Monday, 2016-02-22. http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/meetingdetails.html?year=2016&mont h=2&day=22&hour=14&min=30&sec=0&p1=25&iv=1800 The call counts towards voter eligibility. Teleconference Numbers Canada - (use US number) Denmark - +45 78 77 25 34 Germany - +49 30 255550324 Hungary - +36 1 987 6874 The Netherlands - +31 6 35205016 USA - +1 641-715-3580 Access code (for all numbers): 438-387 Chat room for meeting is at: http://webconf.soaphub.org/conf/room/odf Agenda - ------ 1. Dial-In, Roll Call, Determination of Quorum and Voting Rights 2. Motion (simple majority): Approve the Agenda 3. Motion (simple majority): Approve the Minutes from former TC calls - - - 2016-02-08 (draft) attached. 4. Action Items: A. Office-1431 - Thorsten to extract actionable issues - done. B. Office-1981 - create new issue, assign Jos (see minutes) C. Office-1994 - Patrick to check on status of adoption for the XML technology D. Office-1999 - Patrick to contact submitter and ask for a full proposa l 5. Notice of Commits (Questions/Discussions welcome) First Notice This will be amended by 15 February 2016 to list commits for the TC's review. 6. JIRA Issues for discussion: A new spreadsheet will be attached to an amended agenda, hopefully no later than Weds. of this week. 7. New comments on the comments list since last TC call [none so far] 8. Next meeting: 2016-02-22 at 14:30 UTC. 9. Adjournment Hope everyone is at the start of a great week! Patrick - -- Patrick Durusau patrick@durusau.net Technical Advisory Board, OASIS (TAB) OpenDocument Format TC (OASIS), Project Editor ISO/IEC 26300 Co-Editor 13250-5 (Topic Maps) Another Word For It (blog): http://tm.durusau.net Homepage: http://www.durusau.net Twitter: patrickDurusau -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1 iQIcBAEBAgAGBQJWuTA7AAoJEFPGsgi3MgycdNwP/jPstDH9R41p64u7ryzgD/Tm KAnkFANDYavf5UaOeIzaS0Navn6GOj5TH42iiZ3p94CLvSInpl6sFkuaD3nD2tIP cnzgwsZlwRRsvncMWMTctetQCb8ojHsC+Dt8+WEvHM9LlSQkBPwJXRs1BTXaV1uf d0LEmPR8zvJgyej9KtFWNl8KtFpiTjF3ChYmppij/z53wVaQWOD5otF42q7ibwbX vOVRiDhezUh2jv29VPGP1HbCDvjVfTm6Mt8cqkwW2lzKW+Nk7zRaX7tnoyRalDXN hHwCn9FOrEsHmFZGpMJajB0sSgj/JNrgd+QMYNEqzae3g0mGWrxaSIWMNhcVQRFH X9Eaz/3EUaU+v9pvYSo0uDVgRh5hIC3XTknOPLly5qyF8InuVXicdwcncadue5D1 kJXvwc4yk+D0a+SzdrYcvKgivo7GsF+3aYiCt00p4GJts7xWkzxzZCBdnjCMnj8s F2Izwk4AY3BNkE5AOmluwu1kZV0qMNtYSZ17fIPN/9pFl7YRBchE1IoYr/Tqp4dj GaxE9rgiI7Gv+TffYCcGZkK0mQz9OMyhvJb0PjrMmK7onr6wopjUTy/vpl0cq23C GS9ZiSuAKlYYUUdNP61f77C08WbpxP5ZSZ0k1rFmfCv/TrLmtfJmNy1NZUy21x8H a8KsrJ+JhOGElFBnnWT5 =1Dlp -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- 1. Dial-In, Roll Call, Determination of Quorum and Voting Rights 9:30 AM EST 9:35 AM EST - Roll Call Quorum +Thorsten Behrens +Andreas Guelzow +Regina Henschel +Darrin House +Thomas O'Reilly +Michael Stahl +Andras Timar +Jos van den Oever +Patrick Durusau Names of voting members preceded by "+" Voting members 9 out of 11 - 81% 81 percent quorum 2. Motion (simple majority): Approve the Agenda Agenda amended to add: +Future meeting - February 15th is Holiday in Canada +Deletion of incorrect drafts 3.A Motion (simple majority): Approve Previous Minutes - 2016-01-25 (draft) Unanimous consent - approved minutes of 2016-01-25 3.B Future meeting - February 15th is Holiday in Canada, February 15th meeting is cancelled, next meeting February 22, 2016. 3.C Deletion of incorrect drafts - Mark as incorrect - and keep it in the respository - Patrick will mark Office-1431 as incorrect. (misc. directory) Policy is to keep all uploaded document and use remarks to indicate errors, etc. To keep a public record. 4. Action Items: A. Office-1431 - Thorsten to extract actionable issues - see end of minutes B. Patrick to request upgrade for subversion - done, no date set for response C. Commits - Patrick to upload ODF versions with issue numbers for comparison to base version of file. - done 5. Commits to Be Approved (Questions/Discussions welcome) (cont. from 01 February 2016) OFFICE-3883 Proposal: chart legend size https://tools.oasis-open.org/version-control/browse/wsvn/office/branches/v1.3_OFFICE-3883/#_branches_v1.3_OFFICE-3883_ OFFICE-3882 wrong reference to "table 12 in 19.644" in 19.468, 19.596 and 19.635 in part 1 https://tools.oasis-open.org/version-control/browse/wsvn/office/branches/v1.3_OFFICE-3882/#_branches_v1.3_OFFICE-3882_ OFFICE-3879 In function floor, mode<>0 rounds toward zero, not away from zero https://tools.oasis-open.org/version-control/browse/wsvn/office/branches/v1.3_OFFICE-3879/#_branches_v1.3_OFFICE-3879_ OFFICE-3877 Re-add text from v1.0 about <table:covered-table-cell> https://tools.oasis-open.org/version-control/browse/wsvn/office/branches/v1.3_OFFICE-3877/#_branches_v1.3_OFFICE-3877_ OFFICE-3876 19.678 table:number-rows-spanned talks about columns instead of rows https://tools.oasis-open.org/version-control/browse/wsvn/office/branches/v1.3_OFFICE-3876/#_branches_v1.3_OFFICE-3876_ These commits were first published in the agenda for 25 January 2016. Assuming there are no questions or concerns, the TC will be asked to approve these commits to appear in the next ODF 1.3 draft. 6. First Review Commits (Questions welcome) (cont. from 01 February 2016 ) OFFICE-3874 OpenDocument-v1.2-os-dsig-schema.rng Reference to ODF 1.3 Part 3 https://tools.oasis-open.org/version-control/browse/wsvn/office/branches/v1.3_OFFICE-3874/#_branches_v1.3_OFFICE-3874_ OFFICE-3873 PAS Comment JP2: Semantics of the interactions of the change-tracking elements are unclear https://tools.oasis-open.org/version-control/browse/wsvn/office/branches/v1.3_OFFICE-3873/#_branches_v1.3_OFFICE-3873_ OFFICE-3871 PAS Comment JP7: Incorrect Type in ds:Reference https://tools.oasis-open.org/version-control/browse/wsvn/office/branches/v1.3_OFFICE-3871/#_branches_v1.3_OFFICE-3871_ OFFICE-3870 PAS Comment JP6: Clarify singular nature of ds:Reference https://tools.oasis-open.org/version-control/browse/wsvn/office/branches/v1.3_OFFICE-3870/#_branches_v1.3_OFFICE-3870_ All of the commits listed in items 5 and 6 were accepted by the TC and should be applied by the editor. 7. JIRA Issues: Office-1873 https://issues.oasis-open.org/browse/OFFICE-1873 consent to close Office-1873 Office-1906 https://issues.oasis-open.org/browse/OFFICE-1906 consent to defer Office-1906 to style discussion Office-1909 https://issues.oasis-open.org/browse/OFFICE-1909 Jos van den Oever: svg:rx and svg:ry override draw:corner-radius Patrick: Amended proposal for Office-1909 - for ODF 1.3 Jos van den Oever: reginas addition of office:annotation makes the set complete consent to resolution and application of Office-1909 as amended Office-1910 https://issues.oasis-open.org/browse/OFFICE-1910 Michael observes one formula template out of 70K documents Regina suggests we close it - not really used Consent to close - Office-1910 Office-1913 https://issues.oasis-open.org/browse/OFFICE-1913 files are useful on their own, why have additional mime types? All text/xml already Consent to close Office-1913 Office-1928 https://issues.oasis-open.org/browse/OFFICE-1928 Regina - suggests removing the restriction and using SVG definition Jos, would need a unit in order to be compatible with 1.1 Jos van den Oever: "The style:text-rotation-angle attribute specifies an angle to which text is rotated. The value of this attribute can be any integer, which specifies the rotation angle in degrees, or an angle as specified in angle." Consent to close Office-1928 Office-1981 https://issues.oasis-open.org/browse/OFFICE-1981 Jos van den Oever: http://docs.oasis-open.org/office/v1.2/os/OpenDocument-v1.2-os-part1.htm l#__RefHeading__1415068_253892949 <- rdf spec in odf Jos van den Oever: http://docs.oasis-open.org/office/v1.2/os/OpenDocument-v1.2-os-part3.htm l#__RefHeading__752883_826425813 <- packaging the rdf files Consent to close office-1981 as already possible with RDF support Create new issue, non-normative text illustrating usage of rdf to include more DC metadata - assign to Jos set new issue for 1.3 (task for editor) Office-1994 Patrick: https://issues.oasis-open.org/browse/OFFICE-1994 consent to Patrick to check on adoption and come back to the TC with more information and possibly a proposal Office-1999 https://issues.oasis-open.org/browse/OFFICE-1999 Jos van den Oever: http://extensions.services.openoffice.org/project/numbertext shows activity, e.g. someone asking to add lithuanian to the extension Patrick: Office-1999 - Patrick to write back and ask for a complete proposal. Office-1431 - Thorsten has broken into sub-tasks https://issues.oasis-open.org/browse/OFFICE-1431 updated consent Office-1431 - set to ODF-Later - pick the tasks as we can Jos van den Oever: at Fosdem, i gave a talk about ODF: https://fosdem.org/2016/schedule/event/opendocument/ video is online now, videos of more odf talks are coming online later Adjourned at 10:31 AM EST
