OASIS Open Document Format for Office Applications (OpenDocument) TC

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  • 1.  "Leave of absence"

    Posted 07-19-2010 14:43
    Due to vacation, I shall miss the next 4 phone calls.
    Best wishes,
    TC Process:
    2.6 Leaves of Absence
    Every Voting Member of an OASIS TC shall be entitled to at least one Leave  
    of Absence during any one twelve month period. During a Leave of Absence,  
    a Voting Member shall be exempt from the participation criteria specified  
    in Section 2.4. A first Leave of Absence during any one twelve month  
    period shall be obtained automatically by sending an e-mail to both the  
    Chair and the TC mailing list. The Chair must notify the TC of all Leaves  
    of Absence by reporting them in the minutes of the TC's next meeting.
    A Voting Member who has already been granted a Leave of Absence during any  
    twelve month period may apply for a maximum of one additional Leave of  
    Absence during the same twelve month period, but a second Leave of Absence  
    during any twelve month period shall be granted only upon formal  
    Resolution of the TC.
    A Voting Member of a TC who has been granted a Leave of Absence shall not  
    have voting rights in the TC and all of its subcommittees for the duration  
    of the Leave; voting rights shall resume immediately upon the person  
    returning from Leave.
    The length of a Leave of Absence shall be specified in advance by the  
    Voting Member requesting it and shall not exceed 45 days. A Leave of  
    Absence shall begin no earlier than seven days after the date upon which  
    the request was delivered to the Chair of the TC and shall end on the date  
    specified, or at the beginning of the first TC meeting or subcommittee  
    meeting attended after the Leave begins, or upon transmittal of the first  
    mail ballot returned after the Leave begins, whichever comes first. Time  
    allocated for a Leave of Absence but not used due to early resumption of  
    participation cannot be carried over into another Leave.