Hello Andreas, in this case, I assume you have found two anomalies. :-) Allow me to explain the problem from a different angle: In the past years of my absence to the ODF TC, I have been working on the standardization of EU invoices. CEN, the European standardization norm, has specified for the business to government trade within Europe an obligatory semantic model that can be serialized as two different XML formats (UBL & UN/CEFACT XML). The serialization, in theory, does not matter as long it can be normalized and transformed back to the unique obligatory semantic model. Back to ODF. Let me ask a similar question as Regina did: "What is an empty document?" An easy and correct answer is that smallest amount of ODF XML that makes a valid ODF document of a certain type according to our ODF XML RelaxNG grammar. But are there multiple answers possible? If they can be normalized to one XML instance, that has not a different semantic. Some ODF applications insert an empty paragraph by default into the empty text document. They can do this, but it is not in fact equal to an empty document, even if some ODF applications behave similarly to the two documents. Please keep in mind that I am still working on change-tracking and that the addition of an empty paragraph does make a difference to the document state. I have created a test implementation that transforms an ODT document into an equivalent list of ODT changes (serialized in JSON, here is every line a user change) . The existence or none existence of the empty paragraph within the empty document would alter the list of changes, therefore, the user semantic. Does this help you to answer the earlier question? Regards, Svante Am Mo., 4. Mai 2020 um 03:48 Uhr schrieb Andreas J Guelzow <
andreas.guelzow@concordia.ab.ca >: The attached file has in A1: <table:table-cell table:style-name="Gnumeric-default"><text:p/></table:table-cell> and in A2: <table:table-cell table:style-name="Gnumeric-default"/> B1 and B2 have formula calls to determine whether A1 and A2 respectively are blank. When I open the file in Gnumeric 1.12.47 they both return TRUE. When I open the file in Libreoffice I also get TRUE !? Andreas On 2020-05-03 6:26 p.m., Regina Henschel wrote: Hi Andreas, Andreas J Guelzow schrieb am 03-May-20 um 23:51: Hi, For me (and Gnumeric), this is an empty cell: <table:table-celloffice:value-type="string"table:style-name="ce2"> <text:p/> </table:table-cell> After reading <table:table-celloffice:value-type="string"table:style-name="ce2"> <text:p/> </table:table-cell> and <table:table-celloffice:value-type="string"table:style-name="ce2"> </table:table-cell> are indistinguishable. The <text:p/> element exists only as markup in the saved file, not in the idealized spreadsheet. Wanting to distinguish between these two requires that otherwise completely identical cells would have meta flag whether they are empty or not. Was it changed in Gnumeric? I have tested it with the GnumericPortable_1.12.17 for Windows (newer one does not exist). For a cell A2 generated from markup <table:table-cell table:style-name="ce2" office:value-type="string"> <text:p/> </table:table-cell> the function ISBLANK(A2) returns FALSE here. Kind regards Regina --------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe from this mail list, you must leave the OASIS TC that generates this mail. Follow this link to all your TCs in OASIS at:
https://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/portal/my_workgroups.php -- Andreas J. Guelzow, PhD FTICA Registrar & Director of Enrolment Services Professor, Mathematical & Computing Sciences Direct: +1 780 479 9290 Toll-Free: +1 866 479 5200 concordia.ab.ca --------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe from this mail list, you must leave the OASIS TC that generates this mail. Follow this link to all your TCs in OASIS at: