Hi all, in the last call, there was the question, whether a list in a graphic element inherits the list style, which is contained in the graphic style. I have uploaded the attached file as
https://beta.opendocumentformat.org/rendercompare/upload/265/192/87/1 LibreOffice noticed, that there is a list in the <draw:text-box> element, but renders it with a default. When LibreOffice produces a list in a <draw:text-box> in a graphic, then it generates a list style as automatic style. As you can see in the rendering, PowerPoint does not render the list at all. I have used a presentation because LibreOffice does not render a list inside a graphic in a text document and has no UI to produce a list there. LibreOffice has a special handling of frames in Writer for the case they are used to contain complex text content, and distinguishes them from the use of the <draw:frame> element as graphic. Kind regards Regina Attachment: TestListStyle2.odp Description: application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.presentation