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Subject: Re: [office] Proposal for table templates
On Monday 06 October 2003 14:41, Michael Brauer wrote:
> Anyway, maybe "row" and "column" (or even
> "first-row" and "first-column" would be more intuitive as names for the
> attributes "table:topleftcorner" etc., because the attribute then reads
> as something like "take the style for the top left corner from the row".
(hmm, first-row would mean that it would be last-row for bottom corners,
so this sounds like more opportunities for getting it wrong if writing it
by hand - or when writing converters). I think just 'row' / 'column' is simpler.
> I'm also wondering whether we should rename the <table:first-row> to
> <table:top-row> etc. to use the same terms within the template.
You mean using the same element name, but different attributes?
> In addition to this, we might consider to also allow different styles
> for even and odd numbered rows or columns, since this is something that
> is used very often as well.
Good idea.
So the updated example would be:
<table:table-template table:topleftcorner="row" table:toprightcorner="row" table:bottomleftcorner="column">
<table:first-row table:style-name="graystyle"/>
<table:first-column table:style-name="lightgray"/>
<table:even-columns table:style-name="lightgray"/>
<table:default table:style-name="default"/>
Suggestion: We don't really need both even-columns and odd-columns; if we define
one then the other is 'default'.
This would also support <table:even-rows> of course.
I guess it would also make sense to say that table:default must always be specified.
In DTD terms (sorry, I don't know Relax-NG), this could look like
(first-row?, first-column?, last-row?, last-column?, even-columns?, even-rows?, default)
> OOo takes the precedence rules of XSL-FO/CSS2. That is, a cell
> background overwrites a row background, that overwrites a column
> background, that overwrites a table background.
OK - the file format specification should definitely make that clear.
> Maybe we should define
> defaults values for "table:tableleftcorner" etc. that match these
> precedence rules.
Let's see. As I understand it, the precedence rules mean
that if both a column and a row style are defined, the corner is defined
by its row.
So the default value would be "row" if both first-column and first-row are defined.
But if first-col is defined and not first-row, then the default value would be "column".
This makes sense - it's a rather rare case to say that first-column is red,
but topleftcorner should use the default style of the rest of the table.
(It makes it slightly more difficult to explain what the default value is, though).
> Since many office applications support such table templates, it seems to
> be reasonable to me to add them to the specification. The only reason
> that they are not part of the XML specification is that
> does not store the templates within the documents.
> A reasonable place for the table templates seems to be the
> <office:master-styles> element. <office:styles> seems not be be a
> reasonable place, because it is not possible to reference automatic
> styles inside this element. This in fact might be useful, because
> otherwise all cell styles that are referenced from the table have to be
> real UI styles.
This is actually what we do currently, and I think it's fine.
But I see how not everyone might want to map table templates to real styles,
and use automatic styles instead.
Thanks for the input.
David FAURE,, sponsored by Trolltech to work on KDE,
Konqueror (, and KOffice (
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