1. Rollcall
Nathaniel Borenstein, IBM
Yue Ma, IBM
Robert Weir, IBM
Helen Yue, IBM
James Mason, ISO/IEC
Patric Durusau
David Faure, KDE
Jody Goldberg, Novell
Michael Brauer, Sun Microsystems
Lars Oppermann, Sun Microsystems
David A Wheeler, OpenDocument Foundation
Bruce D'Arcus, OpenDocument Foundation
Gary Edwards, OpenDocument Foundation
2. Acceptance of Minutes from Last Call
The attending TC members unanimously accepted the minutes from the last
coordination call.
3. Action item review
michael: request CS ballot - done
4. ODF 1.1
Michael: spec was approved as committee spec. last week. I am currently
finishing documents (providing various formats also HTML).
... full set will be ready tomorrow
... last week we learned from Peter K. that we should 1.1 an OASIS Std.
We can only now make the formal decision as last week was a work call.
Certification due end of November
-Request submission ballot now
-send out request for ballot by 15th of December (certifications required)
-start OASIS ballot in mid January
Alternative, wait with submission ballot until certifications are in
Lars: certify first and vote afterwards sounds better to me
Michael: doing the ballot now would send out a stronger message
... I can ask the people that are expected to provide certifications and
we can set up the ballot once I have some positive reply from at least
three parties.
- so resolved
4. ODF 1.2 planning
three open issues for discussion:
1. should the specification be divided into parts?
... advantage to formally approve independent parts when they are ready
... possible parts are formulas and packages also
Lars: how about metadata?
Bruce: could be
Michael: is also an option
Michael: I can discuss the technical details about subdividing the spec
with Mary. She already indicated that we should maintain some sort of
frameworks that makes it very clear which parts are part of an actual
DavidW: would a possibility be, to declare an opendocument version as
the collection of particular part revisions.
Michael: not sure whether we can have a public review of the full spec
and the parts separately.
Lars: we should have a review for an umbrella document that says which
parts belong together forming a particular ODF version
Lars: if need be, parts could even be made into separate OASIS specs
DavidW: we can try to make sure that documents are written in a way that
this is possible.
Michael: how large is the formula specification right now
David: +200-300 pages? (349)
Michael: James, Patrick, can you say which is better for ISO
(James: we are getting very large documents these days)
David: it's also easier, to update a part vs. the whole specification
Michael: from a maintainability perspective parts are also easier to
handle. Two or three parts, making up ODF 1.2
... we could also conduct public reviews independently if we make clear
that it is not the full spec but rather a part
... for example for something new like formula it can be benficial to
review it earlier as there might be more comments to such new work.
... I will try to confirm what our options are in this matter with
5. schedule for 1.2
Michael: was discussed last week. I checked how much time is required
between phases. I posted the resulting schedule last Friday. It forsees
working on the spec until January. After that two month of editing and
could be approved as CD in April
Public review in May/June
Takes two month top process public review results and prepare documents
for OASIS standard submission -> Jul/Aug
OASIS Std ballot would be in Sept/Nov
DavidW: what about the ISO reformatting, is that included in that schedule
Michael: yes, it would be one of the first editorial tasks
DavidW: How will that reformatting effect the work of the formula SC, we
have a large document and I would like to have the information on how
that needs to be formatted so it doesn't cause too much delay.
Patrick: there are some templates
DavidW: are we looking mostly at margins, fon-sizes...?
Michael: I assume that it is relatively easy
DavidW: if the format is going to change, is there a way to make it
easier, someone ought to figure out what particularly needs to be done
Michael: I will do that and tell you (and the other SCs) as soon as I
found out what needs to be done...
Michael: we cannot vote on the final schedule until we know what actualy
is to go into the specification
... However we should at least commit to this initial schedule of
standardizing ODF 1.2
objections? comments?
DavidW: what exactly are we agreeing to
Michael: basically the time line that I sent to the list
Bruce: would the deadline for proposal than be end of January
Michael: yes, that would be the latest date to consider proposals that
are not breaking compatibility
Bruce: can you follow up with more detailed guidelines on what
breaking-compatibility means?
Michael: basically. when a 1.2 document is opened in a 1.1 application,
the features that were already in 1.1 should be preserved...
- call ends
Next meeting:
Work call 2006-10-30, 4:00PM-5:00PM UTC (Not that both Europe and the US
are getting back on standard time on Sunday Oct. 29th, we are hence
still at 5PM CET, 11AM East and 8AM Pacific)
Lars Oppermann