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Subject: Re: [office] show-end-of-presentation-slide proposal
On Sunday 18 June 2006 22:58, David Faure wrote:
> Some presentation software implementations (including OoImpress and KPresenter)
> have the feature of showing a slide at the end of the presentation saying something like
> "presentation is finished, click to exit".
> This feature is apparently optional in both implementations, but the setting for
> enabling or disabling that feature isn't part of the OpenDocument XML.
> A logical place for it would be the <presentation:settings> element.
> So I suggest the following RelaxNG schema addition:
> <define name="presentation-settings-attlist" combine="interleave">
> <optional>
> <attribute name="presentation:show-end-of-presentation-slide" a:defaultValue="false">
> <ref name="boolean"/>
> </attribute>
> </optional>
> </define>
Description of the attribute, for the specification:
The attribute presentation:show-end-of-presentation-slide defines whether the presentation application
should show an additional slide at the end of the presentation, telling the user that the presentation is finished.
This slide doesn't come from the document, but is generated by the application automatically.
[The last sentence explains the word "additional" but isn't strictly necessary]
David Faure,, sponsored by Trolltech to work on KDE,
Konqueror (, and KOffice (
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