OASIS Open Document Format for Office Applications (OpenDocument) TC

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  • 1.  Re: [office] OpenDocument TCcoordination callminutes 2007-08-13

    Posted 08-14-2007 12:16
    I'm not involved in the formula SC. Can somebody who is involved bring this to the attention of the SC?
    >>> Patrick Durusau 

  • 2.  Re: [office] OpenDocument TC coordination callminutes 2007-08-13

    Posted 08-14-2007 14:41
    Hi David,
    can you please check whether the formula spec covers the case that 
    Florian outlined below?
    Florian, you below proposed to "Change the ODF schema in a way, that 
    table-cells in a spreadsheed applications can not contains subtables, 
    sections and headings." Later, you said
    "just to be more precise here. I guess the real problem is that the 
    formula spec does not cover all potential spreadsheet instances"
    So, are you still proposing to change the schema? And if so, do you have 
    an idea what the schema has to look like if the 

  • 3.  Interoperability

    Posted 08-17-2007 14:21



    Rob Weir
    Software Architect
    Workplace, Portal and Collaboration Software
    IBM Software Group

    email: robert_weir@us.ibm.com
    phone: 1-978-399-7122
    blog: http://www.robweir.com/blog/